Message from Town Administrator
Gary Ezovski
Bridges and Roads Again!
Bridges first! The continuing closure of Connector Road/Old Great Road for RIDOT’s repair of the Route 146 bridge has frustrated our residents and that frustration is justified. When the project started, RIDOT advised the road would be closed for about three weeks. That was months ago. Our frustration has been communicated to RIDOT’s project manager on multiple occasions. While weather has been a factor, RIDOT admits it doesn’t justify the length of the delay. They have expressed their dissatisfaction to the contractor who RIDOT explains has been spread too thin. I visited the site late yesterday. It was encouraging to see that removal of degraded concrete had been accomplished to a point where forms were being installed to place new concrete. That is the good news. The bad news is RIDOT’s response to a request for a completion date which was this: “The remaining work underneath the bridge consists of finishing the form work, pouring/patching the remaining sections, allowing the concrete to cure, strip/remove the forms and then clean-up and remove traffic protection. It is not a lot of work left, granted the overhead work can be challenging, but will probably be another week or two.” I have asked DPW to check the site daily so we can report activity or lack thereof to RIDOT to encourage a continuing effort toward reopening the road.
Now on to roads! We have good news about our local road reconstruction efforts. Last Thursday we opened bids for our next local road reconstruction project. The bid values and our budget appear compatible, so we are moving forward to complete two more miles of improvements. At the May 13th town council meeting, I expect to request approval to sign a contract for that work. All or portions of streets that will be rebuilt are Great Road, East Harkness Road, Wilks Ave, Carlton Ave, Rainville Ave, Litzen Road, Lorraine Ave, Parkview Drive, and Edward Ave. That is a good thing, but it must be acknowledged that this next contract won’t fix every local road. Much like the state bridge circumstance, a program for regularly working on reconstruction of our local roads has not existed over the years.
The first step by others in reacting to that was the 2014 bond that allowed seven miles of roads to be properly addressed. Those who have followed my budget recommendations know that after analyzing what we had done with the bond resources and then studying the continuing list of needs, last year I explained need to gradually build our annual appropriation from the $235,000 it was in the 2017 budget that I inherited, to a total of $800,000 per year so we could rebuild two miles of roadway every year. In the 2019 budget we raised the appropriation to $350,000 and it is my recommendation that it be $450,000 in the upcoming 2020 budget year. In short, we are making progress toward a goal that can get us on a path and plan for continuous improvements. Along that path there certainly will be questions about why this road and not another. To that regard, I offer that there are multiple factors in making choices. Certainly, the road condition as identified in a 2014 engineering study is key as is the type of use and more recent changes in conditions. The next parameter is available funds, meaning we try to match the available funding with the lengths of roadway needing repair. Finally, there are utility projects to coordinate around and RIDOT activity that must be considered to avoid damage to new work or worst, excavating in those streets soon after reconstruction. If we hold the course to increasing the annual appropriation to $450,000 in 2020 and then $550,000 in the 2021 budget, we should be able to do another two miles in the summer and fall next year.
The North Smithfield School Department is inviting the community to review and comment on our DRAFT Strategic Plan. Strategic Planning is a process for creating the district’s preferred future. It is a long range planning process for district renewal and transformation for the next 3 to 5 years.
Our plan identifies five Priority Areas. Each Priority Area contains an overarching Goal along with a series of supporting Strategies. It is to these Goals and Strategies that district initiatives, programs, and procedures will connect and be measured.
We have created an online form where you can review our goals and strategies and enter your comments and suggestions: CLICK HERE FOR THE ONLINE FORM This form will be open until May 8th.
Additionally, a DRAFT version of the plan can be viewed by CLICKING HERE.
Thank you for your consideration and help as we work to improve our schools and support the entire community.
National Small Business Week in North Smithfield May 5th-May 11th, 2019
For more than 50 years, the President of the United States has issued a proclamation announcing National Small Business Week, which recognizes the critical contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners.
More than half of Americans either own or work for a small business, and they create about two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year.
As part of National Small Business Week, the U.S. Small Business Administration takes the opportunity to highlight the impact of outstanding entrepreneurs, small business owners, and others from all 50 states and U.S. territories. Every day, they’re working to grow small businesses, create 21st century jobs, drive innovation, and increase America’s global competitiveness.
North Smithfield offers weekly curbside recycling pick-up on the same day as your trash collection. Using this recycling program is the easiest way to reuse valuable materials and reduce your trash amount.
Recycling also saves your tax dollars, precious space in our state landfill, and is good to our environment all at the same time.
CLICK HERE FOR What Belongs in the
Blue Curbside Bin?
HOW TO GET A RECYCLE BIN: Recycle bins are available at the Town Hall located at 1 Main Street and at the Highway Garage, 281 Quaker Highway.
New residents will receive their first bin free. Replacement or additional bins are just $5. PLEASE DO NOT OVERFILL YOUR BINS
No longer need your old recycle bin? Bring to the highway garage and recycle it in our rigid plastic recycling program.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
5:30-7:30 PM
NS Middle School
1850 Providence Pike
North Smithfield, RI 02896
Community Education & Conversation on
Energy Infrastructure Developments in
North Smithfield
Hosted by Engage North Smithfield
For information, contact
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A Community Education and Conversation on Energy Infrastructure Development in North Smithfield will be held on May 9, 2019 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. The event will be held at the North Smithfield Middle School, 1850 Providence Pike.
Hosted by Engage North Smithfield with the participation of town residents and Tom Kravitz, North Smithfield Town Planner; we will discuss the process of development, the pros and cons and any other issues brought up. Questions from town residents that were generated by an on line survey and those that are brought by attendees will also be covered.
Anyone wanting further information can contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The survey can be found online at the Engage North Smithfield facebook page.
Contact is Ann Lilley at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 401-556-0853
The North Smithfield Heritage Association Upcoming Events
NEW DATE AND LOCATION: Saturday, May 11th, 9:00 am: The NSHA plans to kick off our 2019 Historic Tours with a visit to UNION CEMETERY, SMITHFIELD RD.
Participants should wear comfortable walking shoes and dress for the weather.
Contact Rich Keene at 401-447-6394 with questions.
The Little Red Schoolhouse is open for visitors monthly, every second and third Thursday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Click here for more information
Sign up today for your Free smoke alarm installations and fire safety education.
It's time to Sound the Alarm to save lives in Rhode Island! “Sound the Alarm. Save a Life” is a nationwide American Red Cross initiative to install 100,000 FREE smoke alarms in at-risk neighborhoods from April 27 - May 12 in an effort to reduce the number of injuries and deaths due to home fires. As part of this effort, the American Red Cross- Rhode Island Chapter along with partners are aiming to install 1,000 smoke alarms in Providence and surrounding communities on Saturday, May 11 from 8 am-2 pm.
There is no income requirement. Anyone can sign up. Please spread the word. Last year over 1,000 smoke alarms were installed in RI in one day! Best part, all FREE!
For her senior project at North Smithfield High School, Malibu-May Champagne is hosting an event she hopes will give back to the community and bring awareness to the need for updates at the town’s athletic facilities.
On Saturday, May 4, Champagne will host the Northmen Olympics, a pep rally-style event featuring a team competition at the North Smithfield Athletic Complex. The event will raise money toward the construction of a concession stand and bathroom facility at the complex, a proposed project that has been under discussion for at least a year.
As of April 23, 2019, thirty-five (35) law enforcement officers have been killed in the line of duty in the United States this year. This number does not include the hundreds of officers across the country that are wounded and severely injured every year in the performance of their duties. Line of duty deaths are something that can affect any agency with a demographic, no matter how large or small a law enforcement agency is.
May 12th thru May 18th, 2019 is National Police Week and the North Smithfield Police Department wanted to pay tribute to those officers killed in the line of duty and their families.
North Smithfield designed a shoulder patch to honor these officers and their families, and all department members will be wearing the patch, displayed above, on their uniforms for the month of May.
Thunderstorms & Lightning
Lightning is a leading cause of injury and death from weather-related hazards. Although most lightning victims survive, people struck by lightning often report a variety of long-term, debilitating symptoms. Thunderstorms are dangerous storms that include lightning and can:
- When thunder roars, go indoors!
- Move from outdoors into a building or car.
- Pay attention to alerts and warnings.
- Unplug appliances.
- Do not use landline phones.
Prepare NOW
- Know your area’s risk for thunderstorms. In most places, they can occur year-round and at any hour.
- Sign up for your community’s warning system. The Emergency Alert System (EAS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio also provide emergency alerts.
- Identify nearby, sturdy buildings close to where you live, work, study, and play.
- Cut down or trim trees that may be in danger of falling on your home.
- Consider buying surge protectors, lightning rods, or a lightning protection system to protect your home, appliances, and electronic devices.
Survive DURING
- When thunder roars, go indoors. A sturdy building is the safest place to be during a thunderstorm.
- Pay attention to weather reports and warnings of thunderstorms. Be ready to change plans, if necessary, to be near shelter.
- When you receive a thunderstorm warning or hear thunder, go inside immediately.
- If indoors, avoid running water or using landline phones. Electricity can travel through plumbing and phone lines.
- Protect your property. Unplug appliances and other electric devices. Secure outside furniture.
- If boating or swimming, get to land and find a sturdy, grounded shelter or vehicle immediately.
- If necessary, take shelter in a car with a metal top and sides. Do not touch anything metal.
- Avoid flooded roadways. Turn Around. Don’t Drown! Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.
- Listen to authorities and weather forecasts for information on whether it is safe to go outside and instructions regarding potential flash flooding.
- Watch for fallen power lines and trees. Report them immediately.

North Smithfield gets ready for spring! Curbside yard waste collection began Monday, April 15, 2019.
Yard waste is collected on the same day as your trash and recycling. Residents can have a reasonable amount of leaf bags or cans, clearly marked, of yard waste out at the curb for weekly collection. The spring collection season runs from Monday, April 15th - Friday, June 7th, 2019.
Saturday hours at our Highway Garage, 281 Quaker Highway, will be from 9 AM – 3 PM. Residents are welcome to bring yard waste or accepted recyclables. The town offers free drop off for rigid plastic and scrap metal items as well as used motor oil. Drop off hours during the week are available on Wednesdays from 3 PM- 6:00 PM . Please do not leave items outside the gate after business hours, we will take notice.
For additional information contact 767-2200 x 348
George Nasuti Novans Pride 5K
Monday, May 27th, 2019
Start Time: 8:30 am
It's time to start decluttering and get ready for our annual North Smithfield Town Wide Yard Sale, benefiting the NS Food Pantry.
Residents can participate by holding an individual or multi-family yard sale at their homes. When they register with the Town Clerk, their location will be listed on the Town Web Site and in publicity, so that interested shoppers will have their location.
Residents who want to take part must go to the Clerk's office at the Town Annex at 575 Smithfield Road to obtain a yard sale permit for $5.00. Residents are encouraged to make a contribution to the town's Food Pantry at the same time. Yard sale addresses will be listed for permits obtained before Noon on Friday, May 24th, 2019.
If anyone has feedback on how to improve the upcoming event, please contact Town Hall at 767-2200, ext. 301.
Stay tuned for more information.
It is with great pleasure that the 2019 PumpkinFest Committee officially steps up and begins their game plan this year.
We begin by first having you mark your calendars for our:
13th Annual
North Smithfield
Great Pumpkin Festival
Saturday - September 21, 2019
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
North Smithfield High School Grounds
The PumpkinFest Committee is looking for more Vendors this year to participate. You can fill out an application by Clicking Here.
The 2019 Scholorship Application is now available and must be submitted by May 1st to be considered for this year's scholarship.
Click here for the Application.
The next committee meeting will be Wednesday, May 15th at 6:00 at R&R Industries, Inc. 147 Industrial Drive, North Smithfield.
Click Here for more information on the event and a list of the upcoming Committee Meetings.
North Smithfield Announces Its 2nd Annual Fireworks Display
Come join us for our 2nd Annual Fireworks Display
If you missed it last year, you sure do not want to miss it this year!
When: Saturday, July 13th
Where: North Smithfield High School
Time: Sunset
Bring your own lawn chairs and blankets.
If you have any questions, please call Town Hall at 767-2200 ext. 301. More information to come!
North Smithfield Residents Food Pantry
Slatersville Congregational Church
25 Green Street
North Smithfield, RI 02896
The flavor of the month for MAY is
Any donations or monetary gifts for the food pantry can be dropped off at the Slatersville Congregational Church between 9:00 am and noon. An additional drop box is available at the Town Hall during regular business hours.
Our North Smithfield Animal Shelter is in
Need of Volunteers.
You can volunteer as many or as few days or hours that you can. Every little bit helps! Volunteering at an animal shelter can be a rewarding experience.
Please call the North Smithfield Animal Shelter at 766-0377.
Fiber Arts Gathering
Every Monday from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm (except the 1st Monday of the month)
At the Meadows
2 Village Way
North Smithfield, RI
- Join our active group of knitters, crocheters, weavers, darners,quilters and embroiderers.
- Beginners and experienced are invited.
- Come to learn and share.
- FREE, donations accepted
Organized by Engage North Smithfield

Hosted by Engage North Smithfield
and URI Master Gardening Program
10 am Saturday, May 18th
at Scouter's Hall, Pacheco Park
To reserve your spot contact Ann Lilley at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Senior Services, Inc. has provided services to seniors and adults with disabilities residing in Northern Rhode Island since 1975, in accordance with the Congregate Meal Program financed through a grant with R.I. Department of Elderly Affairs. Senior Services, Inc. provides nutritionally balanced lunches five days a week at our meal sites throughout Northern R.I.
Senior Services, Inc. offers activities, entertainment, computer classes, Alzheimer's Disease Support Groups, and Wellness programs, which include a weekly blood pressure clinic and exercise classes.
Senior Services, Inc. also offers an Adult Day Care Program ("A Home for the Day"), and a Community Information Specialist who can provide information on eligibility for all state and local programs, including RIPAE.
MAY 2019 Activity Calendar of Events
MAY 2019 Menu
Senior exercise classes at Scouter's Hall, 13 Main Street, North Smithfield include:
- Zumba Gold Mondays at 10:00 AM-No class on May 27
- Chair Exercises, Mondays at 11:00 AM-No class on May 27
- Zumba Gold Thursdays at 10:00 AM

Mondays at 11:30 am & 12:30 PM
Thursdays at 11:30 AM
Please call in your order by 10am on the Thursday prior to the day (s) on which you plan to attend! Call Senior Services Inc. at (401) 766-3734 with your choice of meal.
Suggested donation is $3.00
Agendas can be found on the Secretary of State Website by
Municipal Building Review Task Force Meeting
Tuesday, May 7th @ 5:30 pm
North Smithfield Middle School
1850 Providence Pike
North Smithfield, RI 02896