Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful * Donna Kaehler * 401-724-2200

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EARTH DAY * April 22nd *

a perfect time to do something good for our earth.


*Earth Day Clean-up events happening * Tree Hugger events starting up again * Zap the Blackstone makes history in 1972 * *Save the Dates for Zap 50 The Great Blackstone Valley Revival * *Were you a ZAPster?



It's time for Tree Hugger Tuesdays again!



(New Name - formerly

BlackStone Herbs + Coffee Bar)

3 Dexter Street - Cumberland RI



Tuesday April 19th, 2022

5:30 pm - 7 pm

Sign Up Here



Adults welcome to join for this week's cleanup meetup.

We're cleaning Broad Street and the area, then our meetup takes us back to APOTHICA for delicious coffee, tea or lemonade.


It's fun, and delicious, being good to our environment.

Come be a "treehugger" with us.


Our Businesses & Organizations

are Tree Huggers too.

KBVB hosts group cleanups with employees and organizations all year long.

Thank you to those who already signed up.

Pawtucket Youth Council - Pawtucket

Date: Wednesday April 20th @ 11 am - 1 pm


GZA GeoEnvironmental 4th Annual Clean Up - Providence

Date: Thursday April 21th * 4 pm - 6 pm


Kohl's Care Earth Day Clean Up - North Smithfield

Date: Saturday April 23rd @ 11:00 am


Prospect Heights Earth Day Clean Up - Pawtucket

Date: Friday April 29rd * 10:30 am - 1 pm

Prospect Heights residents welcome to join us.

See office for details.

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Make History Again * Learn how to join Zap 50


it was....

Blackstone Valley's


The largest one-day regional environmental clean-up in American history.


Way to go Rhode Island! Operation Zap organized 10,000 volunteers on Sept. 9, 1972 to clean the banks of the Blackstone River.


As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of this historical event, help us achieve that momentum & participation once again.




Clean-Up Green-Up Day on August 27, 2022

Sign up Now !

We are building our volunteer teams today for a watershed wide event and are rallying each of you to come make a difference in helping our environment.


Our goal on August 27th * 10,000 Volunteers

like we had in 1972

Video of Operation Zap 1972



Celebration Event on September 10, 2022

Old Slater Mill National Historic Landmark

Celebrate the work that has been done over the last 50 years, and reinvigorate the environmental movement of the 1970's.









August 27th is off to a big start


Look who already signed up to be part of clean-up/green-up day.

GZA GeoEnvironmental, Dell, Rhode Island Canoe/Kayak Association (RICKA), Nature Trails Committee (Millbury, MA), The Empowerment Factory, Schnitzer Steel, ORCA, Save the Bay, Friends of the Annawamscutt Brook, Lincoln Conservation Commission, The Washington Trust, Cleverhood, Bank of America, Mass Audubon Broad Meadow Brook, UNIBank, Blackstone Valley Rotary, Town of Uxbridge, Town of Northbridge, Town of Burrillville, Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful, City of Central Falls & Town of North Smithfield.


This is a fun & important event for everyone to get involved --- Sign up NOW


ZAP the Blackstone is looking for

Community Captains

zoom meeting: Wednesday April 27th @6:30 pm

Do you love rallying your friends & family to help a cause ? This is the year to "ZAP the Blackstone" once again as we celebrate the big 50th anniversary.


Help us talk up ZAP to everyone you know. Share this milestone event with your church, school groups, neighbors and more, so no one misses the opportunity to be a ZAPster this year. Our goal is to have everyone cleaning & greening the Blackstone watershed on August 27th.


A Community Captain is the liaison between our Zap team, municipality, and community residents to build a successful Zap 50 event. It is not a lot of work, but an important role, so that many hear about Zap.


Our zoom meeting will answer your questions. Join us on Wednesday April 27th @ 6:30 pm. Can't make the zoom, no problem. Email Donna Kaehler (below) to make other arrangements.

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Did you attend Operation Zap in 1972?

We would love to hear about the original day from those who attended.


Fill out this short form to share your memories with us.

Zap Memories


Check out some ZAPster's memories we found so far


Help Identify ZAP Project Sites

Know an area you wish was litter-free? Or have a project you need volunteers to complete? 

Let us know. Hopefully we can tackle it during ZAP 50.

Project Submission Form



Zap 50 Facebook



ZAP the Blackstone website

our hashtags:

#RIMillionPieces #DoBeautifulThings #GreenBlackstone



A program of Blackstone Valley Tourism Council

175 Main Street, Pawtucket RI 02860



Our Mission:

Inspiring and encouraging people to protect and preserve our environment so we all have a clean, green and beautiful place to live.
