“Virtual Winter Wonderland Walk”!


Presented via Zoom by The Department of Environmental Management


In partnership with the Woonsocket Harris Public Library

Explore some of the 60,000 acres of land managed by DEM Fish and Wildlife on this virtual habitat hike! Join Mary and Gabby as they look for critters, identify tracks and explain how animals have adapted to live in so many different kinds of habitats!

This free family friendly program will be held in partnership with the Woonsocket Library, registration is required so that we can send you the zoom code.


  Date: Thursday, March 3rd
Time: 4- 5pm
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Cost: Free


Registration Form:  https://forms.gle/3fo9XKJSR7sjsvGEA


 This link will also be available on Woonsocket Harris Public Library's social media sites including Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter. Registration is required to get the zoom link.