Press Release
On Monday March 12th 2018 detectives assigned to the Woonsocket Police Vice Unit executed a search warrant at176 Morin Heights Blvd. As a result of the warrant, Radames Roman Morales, age 23 of Woonsocket, was taken into custody. Roman Morales was wanted as part of a month long investigation in which he is alleged to have sold small amounts of narcotics on various dates.
Seized during the search of the apartment was thirty three (33) grams of cocaine, thirty one (31) grams of fentanyl, four (4) suboxone strips, a fully loaded thirty eight caliber revolver, additional ammunition, drug paraphernalia, and six hundred three ($603.00) dollars in cash.
Roman Morales is facing a total of ten (10) charges as a result of the investigation and arrest including;
Possession of cocaine 1 ounce to 1 kilogram
Possession of fentanyl 1 ounce to 1 kilogram
Maintaining a common narcotics nuisance
Possession of a firearm during the delivery and or intended delivery of a controlled substance.
Roman Morales is being held at the ACI pending a bail hearing scheduled March 27th.