Town of North Smithfield
October 19th, 2018 Edition
Message from Town Administrator
Gary Ezovski
In my update last week, I asked for ideas we could consider to help voters understand the upcoming ballot questions. I have yet to receive responses. I am hoping that means people think the information available on our website and in the local papers is adequate for their decision making. I remain open to ideas and requests, but the water system infrastructure bonds (question 4 on the ballot) did cause a phone call to our water department this week so I will provide some information on that question here.
For about 15 years it has been known that there are low level concentrations of chemicals from an unknown source in drinking water wells in the northern part of town where public water supply currently does not exist. Early last year, I pressed both RIDEM and EPA for action to protect health and find the source which resulted in five point of exposure treatment systems to be installed on the well systems of five homes and an increase in the effort made to find the source. The treatment systems are being maintained at RIDEM expense, but that will not continue beyond three years, while the concentrations in the water are fully expected to remain for a long time. In virtually every case where chemicals of this type are found in drinking water sourced from bedrock wells, the solution has been to install a public water supply. With financing of up to $968,000 offered to the town from the RI Infrastructure Bank, we can extend the nearby Slatersville Water Company supply to these homes and others in the area. The financing includes a component that will waive repayment of at least $450,000 of the loan. So, the cost for the extension of the water line will be 54% of the actual expense. There is also possibility that a higher percentage of the loan can be forgiven from future Infrastructure Bank resources.
So, we have managed to gain an opportunity to resolve a long standing and important matter at a substantially discounted cost. While the bond must be backed by the full faith and credit of the town, the repayment will be an obligation of only the Slatersville Water Company water users. The fact that the system will gain new users will help to minimize the impact on water rates. At this time, the estimated impact to the water rate at the current rate of 40% forgiveness will be an increase of approximately 69 cents per 1000 gallons. For the average user that ultimately means an increase of approximately $62 per year without consideration of the revenue from new users, which will help to reduce that amount.
Finally, there is a serious ongoing initiative by RIDEM and MADEP to pursue the source of the chemical impact. They have accomplished some meaningful work on that effort. Ultimately, we will be looking to the responsible party to recover the cost of this project which could eliminate the expense entirely. Our current effort with the request for approval of this bond is to eliminate the current potential for exposure at what appears to be the lowest possible cost.
North Smithfield Prepares for NSES Renovations
An Artist's rendering shows the outdoor classroom, secondary entrance and classroom addition planned for North Smithfield Elementary School to accommodate the closing of Halliwell Memorial School at the end of the current school year.
Click here for the article from the Valley Breeze.
November 6, 2018 Sample Ballot
Click Here for the November 6, 2018 Complete Sample Ballot which includes all candidates and referendum questions.
Volunteer Driver Needed
Interested in helping the North Smithfield Food Pantry
collect food?
A volunteer is needed 10/12 hours per week to pick up food from various locations in the area. Must have a truck. The Food Pantry is a terrific volunteer working environment and a wonderful opportunity to serve others and help those in need.
Interested? Please contact Rev Morris @401-769-2773
Seeking Qualified Applicants for the Position of Police Officer.
Applications will be accepted from October 17, 2018 through October 26, 2018 at noon. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call 762-1212 ext 203.
Written exam along with agility assessment will take place on Saturday, October 27, 2018 at the North Smithfield Middle School. Signed medical certificate will be needed in order to participate in the agility assessment portion of the process.
NSPD Application and Information Booklet
Medical Certificate
Colonel Peter E. Branconnier, director of the North Smithfield Emergency Management Office, advises residents to begin preparing for the upcoming winter season before the holidays grab our attention. We are still in hurricane season, but old man winter is waiting.
“It’s never too early to think safety. The calendar may say winter begins on December 21, but snow emergencies can take place in October. That’s why it makes sense to prepare for it now,” Branconnier said. “I urge residents to prepare their families and their property for the winter months ahead by taking some simple, common-sense steps today. Are you ready for this?
The first step residents can take is to be aware of local weather conditions by listening to broadcasts of NOAA Weather Radio, the National Weather Service, and local television and radio stations, or by following news and weather Web sites and smart phone apps.
“Before going out on the road, residents should be sure of what the weather conditions may be like,” Branconnier said. “They can change quickly, especially during major snow storms.”
Noting that safety begins at home, Branconnier urged residents to give their homes a safety check.
“Have a professional check out your furnace, woodstove and chimney. Make certain they are in good working condition. And don’t forget to replace the batteries in your smoke, heat and carbon monoxide detectors,” he said. “To save yourself a little exertion, it’s also a good idea to make certain your snow blower is ready to go to work.”
Residents can make sure now that their vehicles are ready for the season as well.
“Have a mechanic check your battery, anti-freeze, wipers and thermostat,” Branconnier said. “Make sure your tires will deliver the traction you’ll need in the snow. And make sure you have emergency supplies aboard such as a shovel, flashlight and extra batteries and booster cables.”
“Most importantly, motorists should drive with extreme care during the winter,” Branconnier stressed. “When severe weather is forecasted, stay at home unless you absolutely have to drive. If you must go out, plan your stops, clean the vehicle completely of snow and ice, and always match your speed to road conditions.”
A primary concern during the winter months is the potential loss of heat, power, telephone service and a resulting shortage of supplies if storm conditions continue for more than a day.
“Make sure your family disaster supplies kit is up-to-date,” Branconnier said. New magnetic refrigerator magnets with how to build a kit were given out at the Touch a Truck event. Click here for more info on how to build a kit.
For the winter months, residents who depend on heating fuel should have emergency heating equipment and fuel available in case fuel carriers cannot reach them for days after a severe winter storm. Remember if your fill pipe is buried, your fuel supplier won’t know where to fill you up. It’s happened several years in a row.
“Consider a generator, but make sure you follow proper installation and maintenance procedures,” Branconnier said. “Always operate a generator outdoors. Before operating a generator, disconnect from National Grid’s system by shutting off the main breaker located in the electric service panel. With some planning now, North Smithfield residents can be sure the upcoming winter is a safe and enjoyable one,” Branconnier said. Not sure what to do, consult your power supplier.
More information on planning for emergencies is available from the North Smithfield Emergency Management Office, (401-767-2206), and on the NSEMA website at or at
The Town of North Smithfield is Seeking Volunteer Members for Several Committees
* Planning Board Committee
* Economic Development Committee
* Juvenile Hearing Board
Anyone interested in volunteering, please contact Gary Ezovski at 767-2200 ext. 303 or
North Smithfield Gets Ready for Fall!
Curbside yard waste collection begins Tuesday, October 9, 2018. Yard waste is collected on the same day as your trash and recycling. Residents can have a reasonable amount of leaf bags or cans, clearly marked, of yard waste out at the curb for weekly collection. The fall collection season runs from Tuesday, October 9th - Friday, December 7th.
Drop off hours at our Highway Garage, 281 Quaker Highway will continue Saturdays from 9 am - 3 pm and Wednesdays from 3 pm - 5 pm ONLY. Residents are welcome to bring yard waste or accepted recyclables. The town offers free drop off for rigid plastic and scrap metal items as well as used motor oil. Please do not leave items outside the gate after business hours, we will take notice.
For additional information contact 767-2200 x 348
The Town of North Smithfield recommends residents with private wells attend this valuable seminar.
This is a reminder that though we do not have a particular storm in view, June 1st to November 30th is Hurricane season, and we need to stay prepared. The attached link has a list of things to consider before and after a Hurricane.
North Smithfield Residents Food Pantry
Slatersville Congregational Church
25 Green Street
North Smithfield, RI 02896
The flavor of the month for October is
Any donations or monetary gifts for the food pantry can be dropped off at the Slatersville Congregational Church between 9:00 am and noon. An additional drop box is available at the Town Hall during regular business hours.
The Town of North Smithfield has hired Northeast Revaluation Group LLC to conduct a statistical update to bring all real estate in town to fair market value effective December 31, 2018 for the July 2019 tax roll. The process is mandatory according to RIGL 44-5-11.6. The law requires these statistical updates every 3 years and a full revaluation every 9 years.
Throughout the project Northeast Revaluation’s staff will be in neighborhoods throughout the town. The company will attempt to physically visit, measure and inspect properties that sold over the last 2 years, which helps in the analysis of determining fair market value. They also will be visiting any properties that have unfinished construction or have taken out building permits recently. All employees are required to carry identification and have their vehicles on file with the assessor’s office and police department. The process will last over the next several months and be completed in the spring of 2019. If there are questions or concerns contact the Assessor, Sarah Frew, 401-767-2200 ext 323 or Northeast Revaluation Group directly at 401-737-0300. Thank you for your patience throughout the process.
North Smithfield Heritage Association Releases
2018 Christmas Ornament
Senior Services, Inc. has provided services to seniors and adults with disabilities residing in Northern Rhode Island since 1975, in accordance with the Congregate Meal Program financed through a grant with R.I. Department of Elderly Affairs. Senior Services, Inc. provides nutritionally balanced lunches five days a week at our meal sites throughout Northern R.I.
Senior Services, Inc. offers activities, entertainment, computer classes, Alzheimer's Disease Support Groups, and Wellness programs, which include a weekly blood pressure clinic and exercise classes.
Senior Services, Inc. also offers an Adult Day Care Program ("A Home for the Day"), and a Community Information Specialist who can provide information on eligibility for all state and local programs, including RIPAE.
OCTOBER 2018 Senior Services Newsletter
OCTOBER 2018 Calendar of Events
OCTOBER 2018 Menu
Senior exercise classes at Scouter's Hall, 32 Main Street, North Smithfield include:
- Zumba Gold Mondays at 10:00 AM
- Chair Exercises, Mondays at 11:00 AM
- Zumba Gold Thursdays at 10:00 AM
On our last tour, we visited Allan Gardner's farm and the six cemeteries in the vicinity of Grange Rd, Providence Pike and Farnum Pike. At the Grayson Lot, we learned about Richard Grayson, a British soldier who arrived in RI in 1775 and deserted to serve in the Continental Army until 1778. His wife and young children are buried in the lot.
We will conduct our next tour on Saturday, October 27th at 9:00 a.m. We will visit 7 cemeteries in the vicinity of Rocky Hill Rd: NS61, NS48, NS28, NS46, NS23, NS29, NS27. Those who want to attend will meet at 9:00 a.m. in the NS Middle School parking lot just off Providence Pike. Wear long pants and comfortable walking shoes. Bring water and insect repellent. People can contact Rich Keene at 401-447-6394 if they have any questions.
A copy of the upcoming tours can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.
Agendas can be found on the Secretary of State Website by
Historic District Commission Meeting
Monday, October 22nd @ 6:30 pm
Heritage Hall
101 Greene St.
North Smithfield, RI 02896
Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting
Monday, October 22nd @ 6:30 pm
Town Hall Conference Room
1 Main Street
Slatersville, RI 02876
NS Special Planning Board Meeting
Thursday, October 25th @ 7:00 pm
North Smithfield Middle School
1850 Providence Pike
North Smithfield, RI 02896