Rep. Shallcross Smith Receives Committee Assignments
STATE HOUSE — Speaker of the House K. Joseph Shekarchi (D-Dist. 23, Warwick) has assigned Rep. Mary Ann Shallcross Smith (D-Dist. 46, Lincoln, Pawtucket) to serve on the House Committee on Corporations, the Committee on Education, and the Committee on State Government and Elections.
The Committee on Corporations considers issues relating to financial institutions, business regulation, property and casualty insurance and consumer protection. The Education Committee deliberates all matters relating to public education. The House Committee on State Government and Elections is responsible for legislation relating to state affairs, governmental departments and divisions, administrative procedures, open meetings, elections law and constitutional amendments.
Representative Shallcross Smith was elected to the House in November. She was sworn in on Jan. 5. She previously served the House district in 2009-2010.