Office of the Mayor
City Hall P.O. Box B Woonsocket, RI 02895
Telephone (401) 767-9205 Fax (401) 765-4569 E-Mail :
City of Woonsocket Rewarded for Reduction in Workers’ Compensation Claims
WOONSOCKET, RI: Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt is pleased to announce that the City has received a shared earnings dividend check in the amount of $41,770 from Beacon Mutual Insurance Company. The dividend is based on a reduction in workers’ compensation claims for the previous policy year and the City’s improvement in safety.
The Mayor said "the City’s Personnel Director, Mark Ferguson, in cooperation with Department Supervisors, can take credit for the close monitoring of workers’ compensation claims. Mark’s success in reducing claims also comes from offering education to supervisors and employees on workplace safety." In addition, Mark Ferguson and the City received a Safety Award from Beacon Insurance at a breakfast ceremony held on August 28, 2017.