Lt. Governor McKee Statement on National Grid's Proposed Rate Increase


PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Today, Lt. Governor Dan McKee issued the following statement on National Grid’s proposed rate increase:


“Enough is enough. Rhode Islanders don’t need another rate increase, they need increased responsiveness from National Grid and sustainable solutions for rate relief. I urge the Public Utilities Commission to fight for Rhode Islanders against the rate increase and put the interest of the ratepayer before the interest of the shareholder.


Our state’s hardworking families and small businesses cannot afford inaction on this issue. I will build on proactive steps I took in 2015 to give ratepayers a choice in their electric supplier and lower their energy costs. I will also propose legislation that holds National Grid accountable by creating storm response protections for Rhode Islanders based on provisions that already exist in Massachusetts.”





Media Contact: Andrea Palagi | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | (401) 222-2371



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