What: Registration for our annual Kids and Teens Summer Reading Challenge
Where: Woonsocket Harris Public Library
When: week of Monday June 28th
Time: all week long during open hours of the library.
Mon. & Wed. & Thurs. 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5; Closed Sat & Sun.
To register stop by or call the library. We will need the full name, the grade of the student and a contact number and email.
Beginning July 6th you may come in and record your books with us and get prizes.
Registration for the Kids & Teens
Summer Reading Challenge begins
Monday June 28th
Kids K-5th Grade Summer Reading Challenge
Students entering Kindergarten Through 5 th grade. Visit the Children’s Desk at the Woonsocket Harris Public Library and tell us what books you read. We will write it on a special reading record and you will put a sticker next to your name on our star reader chart every time you read a book you get a prize. For those that like to do their challenge online, go to www.woonsocketlibrary.org and sign up for the Beanstack Summer Reading Challenge. The more you read the more chances for prizes including a free book yours to keep and a free ice from
Kona Ice Truck @ Friday August 13 12:15-1:15pm
The Challenge begins the week of July 6th.
Teen Challenge for Middle and High School Students
Teens entering grade 6 & up. Read as many books as you can during the summer.
Visit the Teen Desk and write down the titles you have read for each book you read you get another free book to keep. The more you read the more chances you have for our weekly prize drawing, and a free ice from the
Kona Ice truck on @ Friday August 13 12:15-1:15pm.
Teens who read more than 8 books get entered into a grand prize drawing.
Challenge begins the week of July 6th.
The statewide Rhode Island Summer Reading Program is supported by the RI Office of Library and Information Services, with funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Local sponsors include Texas Road House, United Skates of America, Pepin Lumber, Vose Hardware & Children’s and Young Adult Librarians of RI and the Friends of the Woonsocket Harris Public Library.
School Reading Lists & Forms are available at the
Woonsocket Harris Public Library for grades K-12
Come into the library to get the forms or go online
Chris Wallace Goldstein
Children's Librarian
Woonsocket Harris Public Library
303 Clinton Street
Woonsocket, RI 02895
401-769-9044 x2