“Why Choose Hate?” Amo Asks Republican Colleagues Who Support Anti-LGBTQI+ Provisions


In House Floor speech, Amo calls out cruel and callous partisan policies in the Fiscal Year 2025 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill


Congressman Amo speaks out against homophobic riders in the State-Foreign Operations bill


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Gabe Amo (RI-01) called attention to the anti-LGBTQI+ provisions in the Republican Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations (SFOP) Act on the floor of the House of Representatives. Amo demanded a vote on his amendment to strip the partisan policies in the bill that are cruel and callous to our neighbors at home and those in the LGBTQI+ community abroad. The amendment is co-sponsored by the Chair of Congressional Equality Caucus, Representative Mark Pocan (WI-02), as well as Representatives Mark Takano (CA-39), Robert Garcia (CA-42), Becca Balint (VT-AL), Dina Titus (NV-01), Eric Sorenson (IL-17), and Jason Crow (CO-06).


“My amendment is simple. It would remove bigoted, homophobic, partisan riders from the State and Foreign Ops bill. It would strip out provisions that are cruel and callous to our neighbors at home and to those in the LGBTQI+ community abroad,” said Congressman Gabe Amo. “Our budget is a statement of values and Republicans are once again showing us they value a hate-filled agenda.”


Full video of Congressman Amo’s remarks HERE.



Congressman Amo’s amendment would strike the following anti-LGBTQI+ provisions from the FY25 SFOP Act:


Section 7064(c)(4) – Prohibiting funds for the office of the U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons.

This Republican rider would prohibit funds for the office of the U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons that significantly limits the United States' leadership role in furthering LGBTQI+ rights around the globe. This partisan rider would also prohibit funding for other Special Envoys, includingthe Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, the Special Envoy for Global Food Security, and Special Envoy for Global Youth Issues.


Section 7070(a) – Drag art ban

This Republican rider would prohibit funds appropriated by the Act from being used for drag queen art including workshops, performances, and documentaries. These anti-drag provisions are part of a wave of anti-LGBTQI+ legislation. Proponents of drag bans have falsely accused drag queens of "grooming children," and have falsely labeled all drag shows as sexually explicit.


Section 7070(d) – Gender affirming care ban

This Republican rider would prohibit funds from being used by any domestic or international organization or program that “offers counseling” on gender affirming surgeries or “promotes” any gender affirming care through medications or surgeries.


Section 7070(e) – Pride flag ban

This Republican rider would prohibit funds from being used to fly Pride flags at covered facilities. Flying Pride flags is a way for the Department of State and embassies to illustrate their commitment to inclusion of LGBTQ+ servicemembers and their families. LGBTQ+ people deserve to be seen, valued, and represented for their contributions.


Section 7070(h) – License to discriminate

This Republican rider would allow people and organizations to discriminate against LGBTQI+ people if they justify their discrimination based on the belief that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. This partisan rider would prohibit the federal government from stopping this discrimination by prohibiting the government from ending a contract with an organization or reducing or terminating an employee that discriminates against LGBTQI+ people.



To my Republican colleagues, I ask the question: why choose hate?


Why use our budget to attack the LGBTQ community?


We should be coming together to support America’s commitment abroad. Instead, Republicans are pushing horrific bills that treat LGBTQ people as less than their fellow Americans.


Look, we know that the GOP majority is bent on restricting the fundamental freedoms of the LGBTQ community. But to refuse to even debate my amendment on the House floor.


Again, why are you choosing hate?


Mr. Speaker, my amendment is simple. It would remove bigoted, homophobic, partisan riders from the State and Foreign Ops bill.


It would strip out provisions that are cruel and callous to our neighbors at home and to those in the LGBTQ community abroad.


My amendment advances the work of the Equality Caucus and the legacy of my predecessor, Congressman David Cicilline.


Our budget is a statement of values. Our budget is a statement of values and Republicans are once again showing us they value a hate-filled agenda.


I urge my colleagues to vote no on this rule. I yield back.