An Afternoon with Stephen Foster & Mark Twain
Saturday, April 6th, 2-3pm
Woonsocket Harris Public Library
The Harris Library, 303 Clinton Street, will host "An Afternoon with Stephen Foster and Mark Twain" from 2pm-3pm on Saturday, April 6th. Ed Sweeney and Mary King have combined their talents to re-create the music and sounds of Stephen Foster to Mark Twain. Ed, with his guitar and five string banjo, has performed throughout the US, Canada and Taiwan. His recordings were top choices in 'USA Today' ,'Washington post', 'Boston Globe' and numerous publications across the US. In addition, Ken Burns has used Ed's music, as has Disneyland in Paris. Playing alongside Ed on fiddle and Celtic Harp is Mary King. Mary performs for audiences throughout New England. This is sure to be an experience guaranteed to delight all ages and is free and open to all. For more information, please call the library at 401-769-9044.