Hands-Only CPR/AED, Stop the Bleed and First Aid Program offered to North Smithfield residents

  “Transforming By-Standers to By-Doers”


North Smithfield, RI – The North Smithfield Emergency Management Agency under direction of Peter Branconia will be coordinating a Hands-Only CPR/AED, Stop the Bleed and an Introductory First Aid Program for North Smithfield residents, at No Cost. Branconia along with instructors Cheryl & Richard Savaria will be teaching Hands-Only CPR/AED, Stop the Bleed and the First 5 Minutes of First Aid skills to participants, so as they can providing life-saving interventions until professional EMS arrives.


The class, limited to 50 North Smithfield residents, will take place at Scouter’s Hall, located near Pacheco Park on Saturday June 3rd between the hours of 10am and 12:30pm. Reservations are required by calling (401) 767-2200 ext. 301. Upon completion of the class, participants will have the knowledge and skills in providing Hands-Only CPR, to include the safe operation of an AED for a patient in cardiac arrest. They will also learn how to control and manage life-threatening bleeding and what to do in the first 5 minutes for an individual who has become sick or injured. Participants will also receive a certificate acknowledging their accomplishment.


Learning Hands-Only CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) and how to safely operate an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) is crucial to the cardiac arrest victim. Over 70% of cardiac arrests happens as individuals are in the public setting. Only about 40% of them receive immediate CPR and even less with the unavailability of a nearby AED before professionals arrive. Irreversible damage takes place within 4-6 minutes of cardiac arrest. Immediate CPR and the use of a nearby AED increases survival rate between 49-75%. The survival rate for CPR only is about 9%.


As for the individual that is experiencing a life-threatening bleeding incident, controlling that bleed is crucial for their survival. Most adults have approximately 5 liters of bleed volume, losing 1 liter will put them into a critical situation. Controlling that bleed is imperative, as blood loss occurs rapidly, depending on the injury incurred. Proper implementation of a tourniquet and packing the wound will make a difference between life and death. 


Both Cheryl & Richard Savaria, strongly recommend the immediate start and continuous CPR compressions, with minimal interruptions, along with the rapid use of an AED, is a cardiac arrest victim’s best chance for survival. Along with the rapid arrival of an ALS (Advance Life Support) Provider. Most EMS Services in Rhode Island, such as your local fire/rescue departments are ALS Providers


Public educational programs like “Hands-Only CPR” along with the use of an “AED”, “Stopping the Bleed” and the “First 5 Minutes of First Aid” absolutely makes life-saving differences in our communities. Getting such training is always encourage and never a waste of time. You never know when the need will arise where someone’s interaction in the community will make the difference between life and death.


For additional information or inquiries, please call Richard Savaria at 401 527-8959.