STATE HOUSE – The House and the Senate expect to reconvene to consider several bills the week of July 13. Committee hearings are being scheduled in both chambers next week.
The House is expected to reconvene for session on Thursday, July 16, and hearings will be held by the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, July 7; the House Labor Committee on Wednesday, July 8; and the House Municipal Government Committee on Thursday, July 9. More details will be announced when agendas are posted for the committee hearings. A floor calendar will be posted ahead of the session.
Additionally, the House Finance Committee will resume its deliberations on the Fiscal Year 2021 budget and related legislation on Wednesday, July 8, at 4 p.m. in Room 35. The Finance Committee will hold budget hearings over the next several weeks in anticipation of budget consideration in August. Legislators are still awaiting guidance from Congress on the level of federal support to states for budget relief.
The Senate is also expected to post committee hearings next week, in anticipation of returning to session sometime during the week of July 13. The Senate Finance Committee has posted hearings on 2021 budget articles Tuesday, July 7, and Thursday, July 9, both at 4 p.m. in the Senate Lounge. More hearings will be posted in the coming days.
The State House remains closed to the public as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The sessions and hearings will be televised on Capitol Television, which can be seen on Cox on Channels 15 and 61, in high definition on Cox Channel 1061, on Full Channel on Channel 15 and on Channel 34 by Verizon subscribers. They are also live-streamed at