To our customers: Due to an emergency yesterday we will be flushing tonight Wednesday September 21 until tomorrow Thursday September 22,2022


The Woonsocket Water Division will be flushing the hydrants in the following area:  Blackstone Street from Harris Ave to River Street. Main Street from High Street to Bernon Street.  Harris Ave  from Winter Street  to Arnold  Street. Also,  Arnold Street  from Railroad Street to Main Street, including all side streets in these areas. The flushing will start at 9pm Wednesday September 21, 2022   and continue until 5am, Thursday, September 22, 2022 .



Customers may experience discolored water and lower than normal pressure. If you experience discolored water, please run your COLD water for a short time to clear the lines. Store clean water in containers for usage during these hours.



Our Unidirectional Flushing Program is a method of cleaning the water main lines through a network of flushing sequences with the water being discharged from a fire hydrant. A UDF program involves closing valves in a specific sequence to create water movement in one direction while opening specific fire hydrants at the end of that sequence. The UDF technique allows higher water flow velocities by isolating certain sections of water mains. The higher velocity allows for better scouring of the pipes and will use 40% less water in the flushing process than conventional flushing methods. Flushing pipes at higher velocities will dislodge and remove mineral deposits and sediment that accumulate in the water mains.