Town of North Smithfield 

February 2nd, 2018 Edition












What's Happening in North Smithfield











Message from Town Administrator

Gary Ezovski


As many have noticed from the activity on Route 146 near the bridges for Woonsocket Hill Road and Pound Hill Road, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) is moving forward with action to repair more of their bridges in North Smithfield.  In fact, as was reported, there was a plan to close the Woonsocket Hill Road bridge over 146 earlier this week.  When we were advised about that, I contacted RIDOT asking for a meeting to get more information so our residents and town services could be more reasonably prepared.  That meeting took place last Friday.  Based on our request, the closure of the Woonsocket Hill Road bridge will be delayed to the end of February to provide more notice to all and to get us through the biggest part of the snow plowing challenges that might result from a closure of that bridge.  The schedule we were provided indicates the bridge should be reopened in December of 2018 but the project won't be complete until Fall of 2019.


So, bridge closures will be with us for the foreseeable future, but I am encouraged by the response we have been provided when we have reached out to RIDOT to express concerns.  Another example is the closure of the Stone Arch Bridge, which was scheduled for December 1 until I reached out to them to ask for consideration for the impact that would have on the small businesses and churches near the bridge in the holiday season.  They deferred that closure to January so our concern was heard there too.  We will continue to try to listen for suggestions and concerns and pass them along to RIDOT. 


 In addition to the Stone Arch, Woonsocket Hill, and Pound Hill Road bridges, the railroad overpass near Lapre Road and the Branch River bridge near St. Paul Street will also be rebuilt, so we have serious concern for scheduling and detour routes.  Our concerns expressed on the railroad overpass in particular have encouraged RIDOT to consider both a prefabrication solution and a limited closure option with a one lane at a time method.


So, keep us informed of your concerns and suggestions.  We will pass them along to RIDOT.  They have shown an ability to listen and adjust where possible.  We hope to continue working through all this with them.




North Smithfield Recycling -- We Now Have an App for That.


In an effort to put trash & recycling collection schedules at your fingertips, North Smithfield Recycling has paired with Recycle Coach to offer a free web and mobile app easily added to smartphones or tablets.  Now residents can see the Recycle Department calendar, details of our collection programs, and learn how to become a better recycler quickly and easily anytime they want this information.


The calendar feature displays trash collection days for your specific address and will even update for trash holiday weeks.  This feature will also display our Recycle Center hours, our curbside yard waste season, white goods Saturday dates, and Eco-Depot and other events.  


And to make things even easier, you can have Recycle Coach send you reminders.   Get an email or text message for upcoming events or special collections.  It couldn't be simpler.


"We hope with easy information and reminders sent to your phone or directly through emails, residents will understand all the recycling programs we offer and take advantage of them.  More recycling participation means more recycling in NS, and less trash being landfilled from our community.  It's a win all around," explains Donna Kaehler, recycling coordinator. 

The Recycle Coach app is free to download and available from ITunes Store and Google Play. Click here for the web app that is linked on the Town of North Smithfield website. For more information, call 767-2200 x345.



North Smithfield has expanded its efforts to support local businesses in our town.  We have a Business Directory on our website for all businesses in North Smithfield.  We would like to add your business to our directory.  To add your business, please follow the link below and submit the online form.  Your submission will be reviewed by the Town and added to the website.


Please call or email Tami Jacques if you have any questions.  

767-2200 ext. 301  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The Town of North Smithfield Zoning Board of Review is seeking a member to sit as "2nd Alternate."


This is a volunteer position with no compensation.  Candidates for this position must live in the Town and be able to access and interpret the Zoning Ordinance. 


Board meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month provided there are cases to hear.


Interested parties please contact:

Kerry Anderson

Building Official

401-767-2200 ext 311




North Smithfield Residents Food Pantry

Slatersville Congregational Church

25 Green Street

North Smithfield, RI  02896




The flavor of the month for February is 


Any donations or monetary gifts for the food pantry can be dropped off at the Slatersville Congregational Church between 9:00 am and noon.  An additional drop box is available at the Town Hall during regular business hours. 









It is with great pleasure that the 2018 PumpkinFest Committee officially steps up and begins their game plan this year. 
We begin by first having you mark your calendars for our 

12th Annual 
North Smithfield 
Great Pumpkin Festival

Saturday - September 15, 2018

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

North Smithfield High School Grounds


The first committee meeting will be Wednesday, February 21st at 6:00 at R&R Machine Industries, Inc. 147 Industrial Drive, North Smithfield


Click Here for more information on the event and a list of the upcoming Committee Meetings.







Upcoming Meetings










Town Council Meeting

Monday, February 5th at @ 6:345 pm

North Smithfield Middle School

1850 Providence Pike

North Smithfield, RI  02896








Town of North Smithfield, One Main Street, P.O. Box 248, Slatersville, RI 02876