Sign up now for any of our preschool programs.
Due to current Covid regulations these programs are for ages 2 and up who can wear masks. It is possible that regulations may change from in-person to Zoom. Keep up to date by checking our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or call the library at 401-769-9044 x2
Selected Tuesdays (Online Only)
Two for Tuesdays Zoom with Anne Marie Forer and Ms. Chris
Preschool Program For 2-5 Years With Caregiver
Tuesdays 10-10:30am
January 11, February 8, March 8 & 22
Craft kits matching the program theme will be available at the library for you to pick up one week prior to the program date to give you time to come down to the library get books and your craft bag. No transportation? No worries. You can join us from home via Zoom!
To join email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name as adult caregiver, child's first name and age and a phone number then we will send you the Zoom code.
Wednesdays 10:00-11:00am (In-Person)
Preschool Story Time for ages 2-5 years
January 5, 12, 19, 26
February 2, 9, 16, 23
Space is limited. Social distancing and
Current mask wearing rules apply.
If Covid-19 restrictions require cancellation this program may be done via Zoom. Check our
Facebook page or call the library or updates.
Children listen to stories, sing songs,
play with puppets, puzzles and board books.
Kids make a craft to take home and enjoy.
Caregivers attend story time with children.
Siblings welcome!
Fridays Family Music with Anne Marie Forer (In-Person)
Selected Friday’s at 11-11:45pm
January 7 & 21
February 4, 18, 25
It’s Time for Tunes-N-Tales, Everybody say Hello
Tunes & Tales for Tots will have you singing songs and making music with Anne-Marie Forer. This program for children
includes finger-plays, movement activities
and rhythm instrument play. Tap your toes, and clap your hands, it is time for Tunes-N-Tales.
Great for ages 7 & under with adult caregiver.
Current Covid-19 restrictions including social distancing and mask wearing for ages 2 & up required.
If necessary due to Covid -19 restrictions, this program may be rescheduled.
We do have a Zoom version of this program on selected Tuesdays at 10am.
Check our Facebook page or call the library for updates.
Registration is required for all programs.
Call 401-769-9044 x2 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.