Rhode Islanders Reminded About Treatment for COVID-19
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) is reminding the public that fast, easy, highly effective treatment is available for people 12 years of age and older who become sick with COVID-19.
This treatment helps prevent people from developing severe illness and getting hospitalized. After completing this infusion treatment, many people with COVID-19 start feeling better as early as the next day. This treatment does not require hospitalization.
“Along with vaccination and testing, treatment is one of the main tools we have to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and keep people out of the hospital,” said Director of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH. “As soon as you have COVID-19 symptoms and test positive, talk to a healthcare provider about whether you should get treatment and where you can get it.”
If you don’t have a regular healthcare provider, visit health.ri.gov/find/urgentcare or schedule treatment directly with Atmed Urgent Care at www.atmedurgentcare.net. Additionally, treatment at home may be
available through Alert Ambulance.
The earlier someone starts treatment after symptoms the more effective it is, so people should get tested as soon as they have symptoms.
Learn more about treatment at COVID.ri.gov/treatment.
For partially or fully vaccinated people who get COVID-19, being vaccinated should not affect COVID-19 treatment decisions or timing. People who are 12 years of age and older who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 should get vaccinated as soon as possible. More information about vaccination is available at C19vaccineRI.org