FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Barbara Polichetti 401-784-9500, ext. 1203
(Cell) 401-479-7264
Enterprise Rideshare Vanpool Program
Can Save Commuters Up to $5,000 Per Year
Providence, Rhode Island, July 18, 2017 -- The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) is excited to announce that it has partnered with Enterprise Rideshare to offer Rhode Island commuters a new vanpool program. Like most public transit authorities, RIPTA is committed to helping the public find economical and environmentally friendly ways to travel, and vanpools can be a great alternative for people who work in areas that may not have a high level of fixed-route bus service.
Enterprise was awarded a contract to work in tandem with RIPTA after the Authority publicly solicited requests for proposals last year. To encourage vanpool participation in the state, RIPTA is using federal funds to offer a monthly discount to groups that sign up with the Enterprise Rideshare program. RIPTA has a commuter resources team dedicated to helping the public maximize their use of public transit or find other alternatives to single occupancy vehicles. Vanpooling can be a great choice for people who work the same shift or have similar schedules at their school. Typically, a vanpool consists of a group of 5-15 people who share a low monthly fee to commute to work together on a regular basis in a comfortable passenger van. It’s an option designed to help commuters save money and reduce stress on the way to work.
“Vanpooling gives our Commuter Resource RI team another valuable tool as they work with Rhode Island businesses and individuals in helping them find smarter ways to commute,” said Barbara Polichetti, Director of Public Affairs at RIPTA. “We are already talking to people about the benefits of carpooling, and vanpools are another great option for commuters. Often, we encounter people who don’t want to drive to work, but their work location may be in an area that does not have bus service or the frequency of service that they need,” Polichetti said. “Our Commuter Resource Team is here to help the public rethink their ride and explore all viable alternatives to using their personal vehicles to travel to and from work.”
Enterprise Rideshare provides commuters with a safe, cost-efficient, and environmentally responsible way to get to work each day. Like other vanpools, the Enterprise Rideshare program reduces fuel consumption and traffic congestion. It is estimated that vanpools can save commuters up to $5,000 a year in gas money, insurance costs and more. RIPTA is currently offering a $300 monthly group discount for new vanpools (5 commuters or more) that enroll in Enterprise Rideshare and have either an origin or destination in Rhode Island.
For more information on joining or starting a vanpool group, visit www.Enterprise or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information on all of Commuter Resource RI’s services, visit
Barbara Polichetti
Director of Public Affairs
Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA)
705 Elmwood Ave.
Providence, RI 02907
401-784-9500 ext 1203
401-784-9535 fax