On Tuesday June 29th magic and adventure return to the Woonsocket Public Library after too long an absence. That is the day that the weekly Dungeons and Dragons program for teens begins again. D&D is played worldwide by over 40 million people, including Hollywood celebrities and countless You Tube personalities. During the lockdown D&D became more popular than ever, and this is the chance for kids in Middle School and High School to start rolling dice in person and plunge into an imaginary world of excitement and high adventure. Dungeon master Ed Fuqua is the Young Adult Librarian for the library and has been doing role-playing games for over thirty years, including multi- year campaigns at the library. The game will take place every Tuesday from 3:00 to 4:40 in the Adult Program Room. You can sign up in advance at the library, or feel free to drop in. We will keep to the most recent safety guidelines, which means players must bring their own snacks, and anyone over the age of twelve who is unvaccinated must wear a mask. We will practice social distancing and remain three feet apart. The statewide Rhode Island Summer Reading Program is supported by the RI Office of Library and Information Services, with funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.