Blackston Valley Steeples-by Estelle StarzakPlease join the Religious Communities  of the Greater Woonsocket Area for a

Thanksgiving Worship Service of Ecumenical Prayers and Music


Sunday, Nov. 19th   at 4:00 PM



Slatersville Congregational Church, UCC

25 Green Street Slatersville, RI


Please join us for this service of simple thanksgiving of music, word, song and prayer.  We are inviting each pastor/representative leader of the religious communities participating in the Thanksgiving service to light a candle and give voice to two things about your congregation: one specific thing for which your community is thankful from the past year; and one specific thing that you are hopeful about for the coming year. We ask that you limit yourself to expressing your thanks and hopes in two sentences—one for each—in order to focus our time together and effectively share our thanksgivings and hopes with the other participants in this year’s service.  Clergy is invited to vest as is your custom. 


Choirs or individuals are welcome to participate in a one time choir under the direction of the Slatersville Choir Director, John Staples.  The piece is Let Us Give Thanks to the Lord


Here are the participants thus far

St James Episcopal Church

Christ Community Church

Rev John A Kiley

Wendy VanOrden

Mount Saint Charles

Polish National Catholic Church

Concordia Center for Spiritual Living

St Marks Lutheran Church

Slatersville Congregational Church, UCC


This Thanksgiving Service is an initiative of a group of clergy from the Woonsocket, Blackstone and North Smithfield areas and is dedicated to the late Fr. Edward St-Godard, pastor-emeritus of Holy Family Parish, who was the original organizer and who held Thanksgiving Services at Holy Family Parish for 15 years.