May 4th, 2018 Edition
Message from Town Administrator
Gary Ezovski
By all accounts the efforts of all who organized and volunteered to take part in the 16th Annual Clean and Green Day created another great success. Add to that the continuing effort by volunteers who have been cleaning our historic cemeteries and the message is clear that the people who are North Smithfield are even willing to complete back-breaking work with the only reward being pride in their community and the appreciation of the DPW personnel who support them. Over 400 volunteers picked up enough debris from all corners of town last Saturday to fill a 30 yard container and almost 50 adults and scouts have cleared small trees and brush from fifteen historic cemeteries over the past ten months.
Every town is just a place until people claim it as their home. Town Council President Beauregard and I, along with the DPW team, offer our thanks to everyone who continues to do their part in these collaborative efforts. People working together produce great results.
The Town of North Smithfield has hired Northeast Revaluation Group LLC to conduct a statistical update to bring all real estate in town to fair market value effective December 31,2018 for the July 2019 tax roll. The process is mandatory according to RIGL 44-5-11.6. The law requires these statistical updates every 3 years and a full revaluation every 9 years.
Throughout the project Northeast Revaluation’s staff will be in neighborhoods throughout the town. The company will attempt to physically visit, measure and inspect properties that sold over the last 2 years, which helps in the analysis of determining fair market value. They also will be visiting any properties that have unfinished construction or have taken out building permits recently. All employees are required to carry identification and have their vehicles on file with the assessor’s office and police department. The process will last over the next several months and be completed in the spring of 2019. If there are questions or concerns contact the Assessor, Sarah Frew, 401-767-2200 ext 323 or Northeast Revaluation Group directly at 401-737-0300. Thank you for your patience throughout the process.
Emergency Preparedness for Citizens Living with Disabilities
A natural disaster is a terrifying event for anyone to experience. For elderly citizens, or those living with a disability, a natural disaster or local emergency can be that much more frightening and challenging to manage.
Click here for the entire Article
North Smithfield Residents Food Pantry
Slatersville Congregational Church
25 Green Street
North Smithfield, RI 02896
The flavor of the month for May is
Any donations or monetary gifts for the food pantry can be dropped off at the Slatersville Congregational Church between 9:00 am and noon. An additional drop box is available at the Town Hall during regular business hours.
Attention Members of the North Smithfield High School Class of 1968!
The reunion committee has planned our 50th class reunion to be held on June 9, 2018, at the Village Haven in North Smithfield. If you are a member of that class and have not been notified, please contact one of the following committee members so that they can send you the specific details. Please include your email address, mailing address, and phone number.
Ivy Booth, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
June Couture, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Doreen Ezovski, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Christine Plume, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Carol Stevenin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Senior Services, Inc. has provided services to seniors and adults with disabilities residing in Northern Rhode Island since 1975, in accordance with the Congregate Meal Program financed through a grant with R.I. Department of Elderly Affairs. Senior Services, Inc. provides nutritionally balanced lunches five days a week at our meal sites throughout Northern R.I.
Senior Services, Inc. offers activities, entertainment, computer classes, and Wellness programs, which include a weekly blood pressure clinic and exercise classes.
Senior Services, Inc. also offers an Adult Day Care Program ("A Home for the Day"), and a Community Information Specialist who can provide information on eligibility for all state and local programs, including RIPAE.
We offer activities, entertainment, computer classes, and Alzheimer's Disease Support Groups.
MAY 2018 Senior Services Newsletter
May 2018 Calendar of Events
May 2018 Menu
Senior exercise classes at Scouter's Hall, 32 Main Street, North Smithfield include:
- Zumba Gold Mondays at 10:00 AM
- Chair Exercises, Mondays at 11:00 AM
- Zumba Gold Thursdays at 10:00 AM
At the High School Athletic Complex, under the lights.
FRIDAY MAY 18, 2018
Come join us for a night of family fun. There will be races, track events, music, and light healthy snacks.
Fun for all ages!
Registration begins @ 5:30pm
Events begin @ 7:00pm
Open to all North Smithfield residents
Children must be accmpanied by a parent(s)
Free event
For details, go to www.nsaa.us.com
One of the North Smithfield High School Graduation Requirements is the completion of a Senior Project. Senior Project is a self-directed, personalized, project-based learning opportunity that provides seniors with the chance to explore any field or topic in which they are interested. Senior Project culminates in a presentation showcasing the work students have been doing throughout the year.
We would like to cordially invite you to serve as a judge for the Fifth Annual Senior Project Presentation Day on Thursday, May 17th. Judges will be trained in assessing projects upon arrival and a complimentary lunch will be served prior to the viewing and judging of students' presentations. The day will end by 2:30.
Attached you will find an invitation to judge this event. If you are interested in attending, please register by opening the invitation and clicking on the link at the bottom of it. Once you have clicked ‘Submit’ on the form, your registration is complete and you will hear from me about a week before the presentation day with further details.
The invitation and registration may also be accessed by clicking here.
Thank you, in advance, for your support and continued enthusiasm for the Senior Project initiative. Please feel free to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions or concerns.
Lindsay Aromin
Senior Project Coordinator
North Smithfield High School
412 Greenville Road
North Smithfield, RI 02896
George Nasuti Novans Pride 5K
Monday, May 28th, 2018
Start Time: 8:30 am
It's time to start decluttering and get ready for our annual North Smithfield Town Wide Yard Sale, benefiting the NS Food Pantry.
Residents can participate by holding an individual or multi-family yard sale at their homes. When they register with the Town Clerk, their location will be listed on the Town Web Site and in publicity, so that interested shoppers will have their location.
Residents who want to take part must go to the Clerk's office at the Town Annex at 575 Smithfield Road to obtain a yard sale permit for $5.00. Residents are encouraged to make a contribution to the town's Food Pantry at the same time. Yard sale addresses will be listed for permits obtained before Noon on Friday, May 25th, 2018.
If anyone has feedback on how to improve the upcoming event, please contact Town Hall at 767-2200, ext. 301.
Stay tuned for more information.
Agendas can be found on the Secretary of State Website by
Clicking here
Town Council Meeting
Monday, May 7th @6:45 pm
North Smithfield Middle School
1850 Providence Pike
North Smithfield, RI 02896
Zoning Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 8th @7:00 pm
Primrose Fire Station
1470 Providence Pike
North Smithfield, RI 02876