Town of

North Smithfield

December 22, 2023



Town Hall Holiday Closings as listed:


Monday, December 25th

Tuesday, December 26th

Friday, December 29th

Monday, January 1st


Trash will be delayed by one day the week of December 25th and the week of January 1st.

Any questions related to Trash and Recycling Holiday schedule please call 401.767-2200 ext.348.






December 21, 2023


“Whether you’re drunk or high, it’s a DUI”

Public safety leaders and municipal leaders deliver a united message about impaired driving


Providence – At a news conference in Providence today, public safety leaders from around Rhode Island joined city and town leaders to deliver a strong message about impaired driving.


“Ensuring that everyone who lives, works, and visits Providence feels safe is my top priority,” said Mayor Brett P. Smiley. “Impaired driving poses a significant, often fatal risk to the safety and well-being of all members of our community. I am grateful to the Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association for their efforts to raise awareness about this crucial issue and to all our police officers working on the frontline for their vigilance and dedication to keeping our community safe.”


“Driving under the influence, regardless of the substance consumed, is against the law and poses a serious threat,” said Colonel Darnell S. Weaver, Superintendent of the Rhode Island State Police and Director of the Department of Public Safety. “We are committed to keeping our roads safe, and your cooperation is crucial. I hope everyone will listen to this message and join our collective efforts to enjoy the holiday season without the risk of tragedy.”


“This year we’ve lost 69 lives on our roadways,” said Gabrielle Abbate, Chief of Traffic Safety at the Rhode Island Department of Transportation Office of Highway Safety. “Impaired driving is a leading cause of crashes and we are grateful for our partnerships with NHTSA, our law enforcement agencies, and government leaders who help us remind Rhode Islanders to “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” during the holidays – and every day.”


“Each decision we make on the road has an impact on our safety and the safety of those around us. Let us come together as a community to ensure that this holiday season is one of joy and celebration, free from the tragedy of crashes,” said Colonel Bradford Connor, Vice President of the Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association and Warwick Police Chief. “The holidays are a time of celebration, reflection, and unity, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that the roads remain safe for everyone.”


“The League of Cities and Towns represents all 39 municipalities in Rhode Island. On behalf of all these community leaders, we want to ensure everyone has a safe, happy, and healthy holiday.” said Ernie Almonte, Executive Director of the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns.We urge all Rhode Islanders and those gathered with loved ones to celebrate responsibly.”

There will be additional police patrols on duty throughout the state during over the holidays.


Background on impaired driving


The first offence for driving under the influence of liquor or drugs carries several penalties:


  • Possible jail sentence of up to one year at the ACI.
  • Mandatory license suspension from three to eighteen months.
  • Mandatory community service from 10 to 60 hours.
  • Fines of not less than $100, nor more than $500
  • Fees can easily reach a few thousand dollars.


Rhode Island law requires you to submit to a chemical test of your blood, breath, or urine for the purpose of determining the chemical content of your body fluids or breath.


If you refuse this testing, certain penalties can be imposed and include the following:


  • For a first offense, your Rhode Island driver’s license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle in this state can be suspended for six months to one year or modified to permit operation in connection with an ignition interlock device for a period specified by law; a fine from $200 to $500 can be imposed; and you can be ordered to perform 10 to 60 hours of community service and attend a special course on driving while intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance and/or alcohol or drug treatment.


  • If you have had one or more previous offenses within the past five years, your refusal to submit to a chemical test of breath or urine at this time can have criminal penalties, including incarceration up to six months for a second offense and up to one year for a third or subsequent offense, and can carry increased license suspension or ignition interlock period, fines, and community service.



Cara Cromwell

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(401) 440-0090





If you are using online banking to send your tax payments please use the address 83 Greene Street North Smithfield RI 02896, and not the Boston address that is listed.




Lets work together to keep Rhode Island litter free!



Click Here to Visit Website



Town of North Smithfield

Recyling Center

281 Quaker Highway


Saturday's 9:00 am

to 2:00 pm


Residents are ONLY allowed to drop off during those hours.

Any questions please call:

(401)767-2200 ext. 348



Updated Information


Yard Waste Pick-Up

Has ended the week of December 8th.


Recyling Center

Wednesday, December 6th was the last day for Wednesday Recyling hours until the spring.



Click here for the Library online




Click here for the Heritage Association Newsletter









North Smithfield Food Pantry



Food Pantry pick-up dates:


Saturday, December 16th, 23rd and 30th@ 10:00 am


Tuesday, December 19th @ 5:30 pm


The Food Pantry is for North Smithfield residents.

You must have a photo ID and a bill that confirms your North Smithfield address. You can attend the Food Pantry all four times it is open per month.

The Pantry is located at the

Slatersville Congregational Church

UCC on the Common.


Questions? Call 401-678-0356



For the month of December please donate:

Beans, Tuna and Pasta







Rhode Island Low-Income Household Assistance Program


Click Here For More Information



Senior Services / Aging Well Inc.



Activity Calendar

Meal Menu

December Newsletter



Alzheimer's, Dementia and Memory Care Information


Alzheimer Support is a free service that assists North Smithfield families who have loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Through the link below you can search helpful tools and a database of Alzheimer’s care facilities, families in need of care for their loved ones can locate licensed care homes and communities in the North Smithfield area that are best equipped to provide care for their loved ones.


Alzheimer's Support




Are you interested in what the Blackstone Valley Prevention Coalition has to offer? Click on the button below to be redirected to their website.


Visit our website


Parents please click on the link below to view an article on vaping


Special Article 




Visit our website





You can access the agendas to these meetings on the Secretary of State Website 48 hours before each meeting by clicking here



Agendas can be found on the Secretary of State Website by



Live Streaming Open Meetings




A. Livestreaming for Town Council, Halliwell Review Committee, Zoning Board and Planning Board: The Town will provide livestreaming for the open meetings of the Town Council, Halliwell Review Committee, Zoning Board of Review, and Planning Board whenever feasible via YouTube, Zoom, or some other technology. If technical difficulties occur during the livestream of an open meeting, the open meeting will continue to proceed as scheduled without livestreaming. (Livestreaming increases public access to public meetings in addition to the right of the public to attend open meetings in person.)

B. Public must be physically present to participate. Members of the public, applicants, petitioners, expert s, etc. who want to participate in an open meeting in any fashion must be physically present at the meeting. Members of the public, applicants, petitioners, experts, etc. will not be allowed to participate in an open meeting remotely by offering comment, testimony, or other remarks. through virtual means.

C. No other Board, Commission, or Committee will be livestreamed: Except as specified above, the Town will not provide livestreaming for any other Board, Commission or Committee.

D. Technical Difficulties: If technical difficulties occur during any livestream, the open meeting will continue to proceed as scheduled.

E. Meetings of the Town Council, Halliwell Review Committee, Zoning Board and Planning Board will be livestreamed on the Town' s YouTube page, North Smithfield Town Meetings. https:/ / channel l/ UCFgwSKxL950ZgZ DKz8B-MQ


Archived Meetings




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