July 19, 2017
Media contact:
Nicole Lagace
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(401) 330-3180
Rhode Island becomes ninth state to enact Automatic Voter Registration
PROVIDENCE, RI –Rhode Island is now the ninth state in the country to enact Automatic Voter Registration (AVR). Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea lauded Governor Gina Raimondo for signing AVR into law:
"I promised Rhode Islanders that I would work to ensure that elections in our state are fair, fast and accurate. Having clean voter lists is critical to preserving the integrity of our elections, which is why I made enacting Automatic Voter Registration a priority. Automatic Voter Registration will help reduce the bloat in our voter rolls resulting from unintentional, duplicate voter registrations and help increase voter participation. I thank Governor Raimondo for signing this important election reform bill into law. I also thank House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello, Senate President Dominick Ruggerio; our sponsors Representative David Coughlin, Jr. and Senator Gayle Goldin; and the entire General Assembly for their overwhelming support of legislation that will further our efforts to modernize and maintain the integrity of elections in Rhode Island.”
Nicole Lagace
Senior Advisor | Communications Director
RI Department of State | Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Website: | Twitter: @RISecState
State House, Room 218 | 82 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02903
Our Mission: The Rhode Island Department of State engages and empowers all Rhode Islanders by making government more accessible and transparent, encouraging civic pride, enhancing commerce and ensuring that elections are fair, fast and accurate.