Office of the Mayor




Mayor Baldelli-Hunt Proclaims City Support for

"ZAP 50" Blackstone River Valley Cleanup Event on August 27th


WOONSOCKET, R.I.: Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt announced today that the City of Woonsocket is proudly joining forces with Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful and the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council to help organize and carry out the most massive cleanup around the Blackstone River in 50 years. The Mayor disclosed that the Zap 50 cleanup event hopes to bring 10,000 plus volunteers to the Blackstone River Valley on Saturday, August 27th from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The new Zap 50 cleanup event was inspired by the original "Operation ZAP" which in September 1972 became the largest one-day regional environmental clean-up in American history when 10,000 volunteers lined the banks of the Blackstone River and removed tons of trash, appliances, furniture, cars, and even a school bus.

Mayor Baldelli-Hunt stated, "I am excited that our City is participating in this important event, and encourage all residents to volunteer to help "clean-up and green-up" the Blackstone River Watershed on August 27th." The Mayor added, "the Blackstone River has meant so much to Woonsockets proud history, and now we have this fabulous opportunity to help bring the River back where we can swim, fish and fully enjoy it as both a recreational resource and fish and wildlife habitat." Mayor Baldelli-Hunt also lauded the efforts of Parks Department Superintendent, Liz Kerrigan and other City Public Works employees who are playing a major role in helping make ZAP 50 a success.

Michael Debroisse, Director of Planning & Development noted, "Woonsocket continues to be a great ambassador of the Blackstone River as it meanders its way through the City. We are fortunate to have this natural resource, and by working together and giving it some TLC, we hope to keep it looking beautiful. Every helping hand now will benefit us to one day get to ZAP100."

Individuals, or groups, of all ages and physical abilities are encouraged to volunteer for the Zap 50 cleanup event by visiting clicking on the 

"Be a ZAPster-Volunteer" tab, or by going directly to the signup page at Individual volunteers and team "Captains" are needed.

Woonsocket Volunteers will choose to help cleanup one of six locations along the Blackstone River, and while most areas are family friendly and easy to navigate, a few are more physically challenging than others. There is truly a location for everyone. Waste bags, gloves, trash grabbers and bottled water will be provided at the event. For detailed information call Liz Kerrigan, City of Woonsocket Parks, and Recreation Supervisor, at 401-767-9287 or email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..