Town of North Smithfield


July 9, 2021





North Smithfield Art Committee


Did you know the NS Public Art Committee has a Facebook Page? 

Follow us here ( where we are creating opportunities for outreach and citizen engagement with public art projects, at community events and public presentations.


Not on Facebook? That's ok - reach out to us via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We were established to bring the life of the community to the walls of Town Hall and ensure that art is present for all to enjoy. So be on the lookout for a "Save the Date" for our Town Hall Open House.





Hurricane Preparedness Guide 2021


Visit and bookmark RIDOH’s Emergency Information for Public Water Systems webpage* for posts about upcoming emergency response trainings, information about significant weather events and emergency response, and public notice templates. A Look Back at the 2020 Hurricane Season

The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season saw a total of 30 named storms with 12 storms making landfall in the United States. In early August, Hurricane Isaias produced flooding rains and strong winds in the Mid-Atlantic and later as a tropical storm resulted in approximately 580,000 power outages in Connecticut, with a total of 3.6 million across Eastern Seaboard.

Read Millions Left in the Dark and Historic Floods: Isaias by the Numbers on The Washington Post website.


On August 27, 2020 there were 69 water systems that experienced water outages as Hurricane Laura made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 4 storm, including a 100,000-gal storage tank that was overturned. Other areas experienced prolonged interruption to phone and internet service.

Read Wind, Falling Trees to Blame For Hurricane Laura Water Outages in Louisiana on The Weather Channel website.


Read Rural Water Responds to Devastating Hurricane Laura on the National Rural Water Association website.


Forecasting for 2021

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released their 2021 Atlantic hurricane season forecast on May 20, 2021: “NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center is predicting another above-normal Atlantic hurricane season. Forecasters predict a 60% chance of an above-normal season, a 30% chance of a near-normal season, and a 10% chance of a below-normal season. However, experts do not anticipate the historic level of storm activity seen in 2020.”

Read the full article on the NOAA website.


Special Considerations for Rhode Island

Inland Flood Risks

We often associate hurricanes with strong winds and storm surges that impact coastal areas, but tropical storms and hurricanes can also result in heavy rain. These rainfalls can lead to localized flooding that can inundate water system facilities or block roads.

Watch What to Fear from Hurricanes? Floods as Well as Wind on The Weather Channel website.


Coastal Flood Risks

PWSs located along the coastline should take precautions for storm surges that can inundate or submerge facilities and deposit floating debris. Submerged facilities can cause power loss, leave customers without water, and lead to costly repairs.

Read The Dangers of Storm Surge and Flooding from the NOAA Office of Response and Restoration.


Rhode Island Department of Health Resources for Your Customers

Learn about the simple steps that Rhode Islanders can take to better prepare for and respond to any public health emergency at


The Rhode Island Special Needs Registry** is a voluntary statewide registry designed to identify Rhode Islanders with disabilities, chronic conditions, behavioral health, and other special healthcare needs by providing key information to first responders during an emergency, like a hurricane. Enrollment in the Registry does not guarantee assistance, but allows first responders to appropriately plan for, prepare for, and respond to the needs of the community.


Additional Resources from NOAA

Tropical storms and hurricanes can lead to significant widespread problems for PWSs. Take reasonable precautions to minimize impacts on your system and customers. If you have questions about this matter you can contact the Center for Drinking Water Quality by calling 401-222-6867 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Thank you for your attention to this matter and have a safe, healthy summer.








Halliwell Review Committee


Hello Residents!


As many of you know the Halliwell Review Committee is getting well underway to gather all thoughts and ideas from community members on what to do with the Halliwell property. We are beginning by distributing a simple survey for everyone to fill out. There are no wrong answers, and everyone is allowed to fill it out individually, with family members, neighbors, or however else you'd like to brainstorm. This will serve as a starting point for the committee to hear what people are thinking about.


This will not be the only opportunity to have your voice be heard. We have tentatively scheduled our public charrette for July 24, so keep an eye out for more details to come. We are also requesting that boards and commissions begin to brainstorm as well, so please feel free to attend any meetings where you may see it on an agenda.


We look forward to hearing and reading all the ideas that are out there, and working collaboratively with everyone to achieve a very successful outcome, whatever that may be!


Thank you all very much for taking the time to fill out the survey in advance.


Halliwell Review Committee


The link for the survey is here



The Town of North Smithfield, is seeking volunteer members for the following committee:

North Smithfield, RI 02896






Join us for a presentation


Making Legal Sense of




Power of Attorney, Guardianship, Wills, Look Back Period


Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 10:30


Presenters: David R. Ball, Esq. and Anthony Pesare, Esq.


Ball Law Associates P.C.

501 Centerville Rd, Suite 102,

Warwick, RI 02886



Reservations required for all programs!

Please call 766- 3734

      Programs offered at 84 Social St, Woonsocket, RI






Good News from Aging Well, Inc.


Classes are once again being offered at Scouters Hall in North Smithfield, 3 extra classes have been added! We will be adhering to all RI Department of Health Covid-19 regulations to keep everyone safe. The number of class participants will be limited for social distancing. Please call Aging Well Inc at 401-766-3734 for information, and to register for classes.


Scouters Hall Class Schedule


Monday 10:15 A.M.-11:00 A.M. Zumba Gold with Fran

11:15 A.M.-12:00 P.M. Chair Exercise with Fran


Tuesday 1:30 P.M. Mindfulness/Meditation with Diane


Thursday 10:15 A.M.-11:00 A.M. Zumba Gold With Fran

1:30 P.M.-2:15 P.M. Keep Moving with Steve


Friday 12:30 P.M. -1:15 P.M. Line Dancing with Fran


Scouters Hall, 13 Main Street, North Smithfield, RI

*more classes coming mid July





The 14th Annual North Smithfield Pumpkin


Festival will be held on


September 18, 2021, 11:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.


Click here to be redirected to the Pumpkin


Festival website for more information





Topic: PumpkinFest 2021 Meeting


Date: 7/14/2021

Time: 6:00-7:00p

Where: R & R Machine Industries, Inc., 147 Industrial Dr., N. Smithfield, RI


For anyone who cannot come to R & R Machine we will also be on Zoom:


Meeting ID:   796 9105 5983


Passcode:    2bGmsc 


Invite Link:



The NS PumpkinFest is now accepting booth vendor applications for this year's festival! We also have options for local businesses to sponsor the event. Please visit the website for all the details!








You can bring your worn American Flag to the Town Hall for proper disposal. When your flag is worn and no longer fitting for display, bring it to the North Smithfield Town Hall, we have a flag disposal box that was made by an Eagle Scout. Your flag will be disposed of in a proper ceremony.







Agendas can be found on the Secretary of State Website by



Special Town Council Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Monday, July 12, 2021 @ 6:45P.M.



Municipal Building Task Force Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Monday, July 12, 2021 @ 5:30P.M.



Conservation Commission Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Tuesday, July 13, 2021 @ 6:30P.M.





This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer

Town of North Smithfield | 83 Greene Street, North Smithfield, RI 02896