Keep Rhody Litter Free
Rhode Island is leading the way promoting “Keep Rhody Litter Free” with an award-winning website to encourage all Rhode Islanders to help clean up our outdoor spaces and preserve our natural heritage. showcases:
1. Community litter events volunteers can join.
2. Our 401 Clean Team - RI groups working to end litter... more members always welcome.
3. A pledge our municipalities are taking to end litter and why it is important to their community.
4. A pledge to help end litter for individuals, businesses and organizations.
5. Success stories.
6. Programs state agencies have to end litter. One example RIDOT's Clean Rhodes program.
7. Past event photos and details.
We want to Rhode Island to work together and share litter successes and efforts.
Send photos, results, upcoming events or questions regarding litter as we get ready for Earth Day 2023 and build our 401 Clean Team.