On Saturday June 1st from 2-3pm the library will host their very first Lego Challenge!  There will be two age groups. Ages 6-12 and ages 13-17. Both will compete at the same time but in different areas of the same room. The creations will be judged separately allowing families to participate simultaneously. A maximum of 8 children from each category will compete in 3 rounds. Each round will have a new surprise topic and 10 minutes to build their creation.


Creations will be judged by participants, staff and volunteers.

Winners will receive a mini Lego Kit.

Space is limited, register by calling the library 401-769-9044 x2  

There is also a QR code on our flyers and our social media, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.


If there is enough interest we will open an 2nd hour from 3:15-4:15pm