Rep. Cruz introduces legislation to take advantage of underutilized land in communities
Legislation is part of Speaker Shekarchi’s 2025 12-bill housing package
STATE HOUSE – Rep. Cherie L. Cruz has introduced legislation that would take advantage of underutilized land in a community for the purpose of housing construction.
The legislation is part of House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi’s (D-Dist. 23, Warwick) 12-bill package of legislation regarding housing issues, his fifth comprehensive suite of housing bills since becoming Speaker in 2021.
“Every day, I see individuals and families fighting to secure safe and affordable housing. But too often, people are left defeated because the sad reality is that there is not enough housing built to satisfy our state’s housing needs. This bill will open up underutilized land, making it easier to construct the housing units that our residents are desperate for, and it will go a long way to maximizing the limited amount of space that our tiny state possesses,” said Representative Cruz (D-Dist. 58, Pawtucket).
The bill (2025-H 5799) is based on feedback presented to the House Commission on Land Use to take advantage of underutilized land in a community. It would allow oversized lots to be subdivided if the resulting lots are equal to or greater than the lots in the immediate area. Additionally, the legislation would allow administrative modifications of dimensional requirements based on the average dimensional standard of the surrounding structures.
The legislation would take effect on January 1, 2026, and it has been referred to the House Municipal Government and Housing Committee.