

Town of

North Smithfield

November 17, 2023





Major John Wojcik has retired as North Smithfield Deputy Director of the Emergency Management Office. He has served the Town for over 31 years with profound dedication to its residents.


We would like to formally and sincerely express our gratitude for the work Major Wojcik has accomplished. John has been involved in addressing blizzards, hurricanes, flooding, tornadoes, searching for missing children, and Town wide events.


During the COVID pandemic both John and his wife Diane manned along with many volunteers, and the town EOC to field calls from seniors to sign up for the COVID vaccine.


John aided in the operation of several covid clinics at the Holy Trinity Parish (Our Lady Queen of Martyrs church) school in nearby Woonsocket. On a cold Saturday morning John helped pass out several thousand COVID test kits to area residents at the former Halliwell School.


John always had kind words for people. His sense of humor was well appreciated during EMA monthly meetings.


        We wish to acknowledge John's years of hard work and his dedication to our Town. John truly exemplified service before self.




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If you are using online banking to send your tax payments please use the address 83 Greene Street, and not the Boston address that is listed.







NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that the North Smithfield Town Council will hold a Public Hearing at the North Smithfield Town Hall, 83 Greene Street, North Smithfield, RI on November 20, 2023, at 6:45 PM, in the Town Council Chambers. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider, and act upon the adoption of the revised and reorganized Code of Ordinances of the Town of North Smithfield, including Zoning and Schedule A. Said revisions include renumbering and reordering of certain Code sections, correction of typographical errors and general updates to comply with updates, changes, and amendments to RIGL.


At said Hearing, opportunity will be given to all interested persons to be heard upon the proposed revisions to the Code of Ordinances. The proposed revised and reorganized Code may be altered or amended prior to the close of the Public Hearing, without further advertising, as a result of further study, or because of the views expressed at the Public Hearing. Any alteration or amendment must be presented for comment in the course of the public hearing.


The proposed amendment is available for inspection or copying at the North Smithfield Town Clerk’s Office, Town Hall, 83 Greene Street, North Smithfield, Rhode Island during regular business hours (Monday– Wednesday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Thursday 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM & Friday 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM), or on the Town’s website at


Joanne Buttie

Town Clerk






Starting today, November 14, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) will begin a pilot program that involves service vehicles patrolling Providence-area highways to help clear disabled vehicles stopped on the side of the road. This is not an on-call service, but rather a RIDOT-directed effort to clear congestion on our highways.


As is the model in other states with similar service vehicles, the RIDOT Roadside Responders will patrol high-volume highways in Providence and stop whenever they encounter a disabled vehicle. By getting people on their way as quickly as possible, this will reduce congestion and keep traffic flowing, reduce the risk of secondary crashes, and improve safety.


This program is not meant to take the place of any roadside assistance or towing service, such as AAA. Drivers of disabled vehicles should still reach out to their roadside assistance providers as soon as possible after pulling over safely into the shoulder.


The Roadside Responder vehicles are specially marked Ford F-350 pickup trucks equipped with safety lights and a variety of tools and supplies to help motorists in need. They will be able to provide fuel, change flat tires, make minor mechanical repairs, jump start a dead battery, or call for a tow truck if needed.


The vehicles also will assist first responders by providing traffic control during an incident and provide RIDOT real-time information regarding any potential issues or hazards such as potholes or debris in the road.


“These vehicles will be an extra set of hands and extra pair of eyes on our busiest highways,” RIDOT Director Peter Alviti, Jr. said. “By helping others who have the misfortune to break down on the side of the Interstate, we will keep the highways flowing better and safer for all drivers.”


Under the pilot program, two vehicles will patrol all of I-195 in Rhode Island and I-95 from the Massachusetts state line in Pawtucket to the Airport Connector in Warwick during peak travel times in the morning (6:30-9:30 a.m.) and evening (3:30-6:30 p.m.), Monday through Friday. RIDOT will dispatch the Roadside Responder vehicles as needed. Each vehicle will be equipped with a GPS device to allow RIDOT to track their location in real-time.


RIDOT estimates that every year the Roadside Responder service will save 238,000 hours of vehicle delays, 58,000 gallons of fuel and 580 tons of carbon emissions.


Based on the results of the pilot program, RIDOT may expand the services in the future and add more vehicles, increase coverage times or include additional roadways to be patrolled.

There is no cost to motorists who are aided by the Roadside Responder vehicles. RIDOT is funding this program using 80 percent federal funds from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which provided an additional $575 million to Rhode Island to improve our transportation system and make it safer and more efficient.




October 15th - December 7th


It's that time of year again to see if your current prescription plan is still the best one for you in 2024.

If you would like any assistance, please contact

NS Town Hall 401-767-2200 ext. 301 to schedule an appointment with Guy Boulay, (SHIP) Counselor.







Lets work together to keep Rhode Island litter free!



Click Here to Visit Website


Town of North Smithfield

Recyling Center

281 Quaker Highway


Saturday's 9:00 am

to 2:00 pm

Wednesday's 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Residents are ONLY allowed to

drop off during those hours.

Any questions please call:

(401)767-2200 ext 348


Yard Waste Pick-Up


Starting the week of

October 16th through the week of December 8th

you may put your yard waste on the sidewalk for pick up.



Click here for the Library online




Click here for the entire Newsletter









North Smithfield Food Pantry



Food Pantry pick-up dates:


Saturday, November 18th @ 10:00 am


Tuesday, November 21st and November 28th @ 5:30 pm


The Food Pantry is for North Smithfield residents.

You must have a photo ID and a bill that confirms your North Smithfield address. You can attend the Food Pantry all four times it is open per month.

The Pantry is located at the

Slatersville Congregational Church

UCC on the Common.


Questions? Call 401-678-0356



For the month of November please donate:

Beans, Tuna and Soup







Rhode Island Low-Income Household Assistance Program


Click Here For More Information



Senior Services / Aging Well Inc.



Activity Calendar

Meal Menu

November Newsletter



Alzheimer's, Dementia and Memory Care Information


Alzheimer Support is a free service that assists North Smithfield families who have loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Through the link below you can search helpful tools and a database of Alzheimer’s care facilities, families in need of care for their loved ones can locate licensed care homes and communities in the North Smithfield area that are best equipped to provide care for their loved ones.


Alzheimer's Support




Are you interested in what the Blackstone Valley Prevention Coalition has to offer? Click on the button below to be redirected to their website.


Visit our website




Visit our website





Municipal Building Review Task Force

83 Greene Street

Monday, November 20, 2023 @ 5:45 P.M.



Town Council Meeting/ Public Hearing

83 Greene Street

Monday, November 20, 2023 @ 6:45 P.M.



Personnel Board Meeting

575 Smithfield Road

Monday, November 20, 2023 @ 6:00 P.M.



Planning Board Meeting

83 Greene Street

Thursday, November 30, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M.



You can access the agendas to these meetings on the Secretary of State Website 48 hours before each meeting by clicking here




Agendas can be found on the Secretary of State Website by



Live Streaming Open Meetings




A. Livestreaming for Town Council, Halliwell Review Committee, Zoning Board and Planning Board: The Town will provide livestreaming for the open meetings of the Town Council, Halliwell Review Committee, Zoning Board of Review, and Planning Board whenever feasible via YouTube, Zoom, or some other technology. If technical difficulties occur during the livestream of an open meeting, the open meeting will continue to proceed as scheduled without livestreaming. (Livestreaming increases public access to public meetings in addition to the right of the public to attend open meetings in person.)

B. Public must be physically present to participate. Members of the public, applicants, petitioners, expert s, etc. who want to participate in an open meeting in any fashion must be physically present at the meeting. Members of the public, applicants, petitioners, experts, etc. will not be allowed to participate in an open meeting remotely by offering comment, testimony, or other remarks. through virtual means.

C. No other Board, Commission, or Committee will be livestreamed: Except as specified above, the Town will not provide livestreaming for any other Board, Commission or Committee.

D. Technical Difficulties: If technical difficulties occur during any livestream, the open meeting will continue to proceed as scheduled.

E. Meetings of the Town Council, Halliwell Review Committee, Zoning Board and Planning Board will be livestreamed on the Town' s YouTube page, North Smithfield Town Meetings. https:/ / channel l/ UCFgwSKxL950ZgZ DKz8B-MQ


Archived Meetings






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