

January 10, 2025




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Good afternoon


Did you know that part of the I-95 North Viaduct is set to open later this month? This will give motorists two lanes rather than one at the exit off I-95 North for Route 146/State Offices. It will also provide more room on the new service road for people coming on to I-95 North from Route 6/10 and downtown. To see what else is happening at the Viaduct now, please see below.




I-95 15 Bridges, Providence/Cranston/Warwick


Curb and guardrail work will involve the closure of the on-ramp from Route 10 North and South to I-95 North, Sunday and Monday nights from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. It will also require alternating lane closures on I-95 North, Sunday and Monday nights, and I-95 South, Tuesday-Thursday nights, from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. at the Elmwood Avenue Bridge. Please follow signed detours. 





I-95 North Viaduct, Providence


Bridge demolition requires the overnight closure of the on-ramp from Route 10 North to I-95 North, Sunday-Thursday nights from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. It also requires the closures of Providence Place, from Harris Avenue to Park Street, and Promenade Street, from Park Street to Holden Street, Sunday-Thursday nights from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Alternating lane closures are scheduled at this project for overhead sign installation on I-95, from Exit 36B to Exit 39, Sunday-Thursday nights from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Please follow signed detours during all closures.



Little Compton/Tiverton Pavement Improvements


With operations resuming for the new year, Tiverton motorists can expect alternating one-way traffic in a moving operation for drainage work on Highland Road, from Bridgeport Road to Main Road, Monday and Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m






Route 6/10 Interchange Reconstruction, Providence


Motorists can anticipate alternating lane closures on Route 10 North, from Union Avenue to Tobey Street, and Route 10 South, from the 6/10 split to Union Avenue, Monday-Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Operations include masonry work inside drainage structures along Route 10 North and South, and electrical work at various locations along Route 10 North.




Route 37 Improvements, Cranston/Warwick


Bridge Group 51B: I-295 area


We need to close I-295 North, in the vicinity of Route 37, and the on-ramp from Route 37 East to I-295 North, to install steel, Sunday-Thursday nights from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. Please follow signed detour. We’ll also have alternating lane closures on I-295 North, from Phenix Avenue to Exit 9 (Route 6), for striping on Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.




Route 146 Reconstruction Project, Lincoln/North Smithfield


Road construction requires alternating lane closures on both directions of Route 146, from Exit 10 to the Massachusetts line, Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., and alternating lane or periodic road closures on Sayles Hill Road East, from Route 146 to Route 99, and Sayles Hill Road West, from Iron Mine Hill Road to Route 146, Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please follow signed detours.




Tower Hill Road Bridge and Paving, North/South Kingstown


Bridge work is scheduled at the Routes 138/1 (Tower Hill Road) interchange behind barrier with frequent vehicle access in and out of the work zone, Monday-Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.  




Washington Bridge & I-195, East Providence/ Providence


Travelers will notice overnight right and center lane closures on I-195 East near the Washington Bridge Sunday-Thursday nights, January 12-16, and Tuesday-Thursday nights, January 21-23, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., for installation of electrical cables for the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) system cabinets. We’ll also have electrical work on Gano Street, under the Washington Bridge, with alternating one-way traffic, Tuesday-Friday, January 21-24, and Monday-Friday, January 27-31, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

We will continue our ongoing preventative maintenance operations.


Weather permitting, we will close up to two westbound travel lanes, from Exit 1C (Taunton Avenue) to Exit 1A (India Street), Tuesday and Thursday nights, January 14 and 16, from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. Lane closures in the same area during the same timeframe are possible eastbound January 21 and 23 and westbound on January 28 and 30.


Also, there may be short-term intermittent lane closures on I-195 West over the Washington Bridge between the hours of midnight and 4 a.m. on Wednesday and Thursday nights, January 15 and 16, associated with ongoing demolition of the old Washington Bridge. All other bridge demolition activities are proceeding from barges with no lane closures needed.

All of this work is part of our ongoing effort to have a high level of maintenance on this bridge. We are doing work proactively to provide a positive measure of safety.



Department of Transportation, Two Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02903 |