

House approves Rep. Slater’s ‘captive hunting’ ban


STATE HOUSE – The House of Representatives today approved legislation sponsored by Rep. Scott A. Slater (D-Dist. 10, Providence) that would prohibit “captive hunting” in Rhode Island.  “Captive hunting” is defined in the legislation as a hunt that occurs within a structure designed to restrict the free movement of animals and prevents the animal from escaping.

“Physically preventing an animal from escaping death is not hunting and I do not know a single active hunter who thinks such practices are acceptable, either.  This cruel form of ‘entertainment or sport’ has no place in our state and I will be urging my colleagues in the legislature to support this bill that will prevent ‘captive hunting’ from ever taking hold in Rhode Island,” said Representative Slater.

The bill (2024-H 7294A) describes the structures used as fences, manmade structures, or natural barriers designed to prevent animals from escaping or fleeing the confined area of the hunt.  Private lands set up as hunting or shooting preserves, or game ranches, are included in the definition.

The legislation also states no species of animal may be imported or intentionally or unintentionally captured for the use of “captive hunting.”  The legislation would not apply to the release of domestic game birds on public property, or on private property that is licensed by the Department of Environmental Management as a shooting preserve, for the purpose of hunting.

The bill now heads to the Senate, which has approved companion legislation (2024-S 2732A) sponsored by Sen. Matthew L. LaMountain (D-Dist. 31, Warwick, Cranston).