A Message from Gabe:
Greetings Rhode Islanders,
Social Security is a critical safety net that millions of retirees, disabled individuals, survivors, and their families rely on. In our First Congressional District, over 111,000 Social Security recipients receive approximately $170 million in earned monthly benefits. Without this essential program, approximately 40% of older women would be living in poverty. Social Security is one of the most effective anti-poverty programs in our country's history. I am fighting in Congress to strengthen and expand this vital benefit to ensure it is sustainable for future generations.
It is no secret that there have been concerted efforts to target the Social Security benefits our seniors earned. Eighty percent of the House Republican Conference just announced their plan which would raise the Social Security retirement age, cut benefits, and increase the cost of prescription drugs. The Republican Study Committee proposal shows how these policies would harm our seniors and undermine the benefits they earned.
I will vehemently reject this proposal. I am a proud co-sponsor of the Social Security 2100 Act sponsored by Representative John Larson (D-CT). This legislation would protect and strengthen Social Security benefits for those entering their golden years. By raising taxes on the wealthiest in our nation and closing tax loopholes, this legislation would increase benefits for recipients, improve the cost-of-living adjustment, provides new protections for disabled Americans, and lowers taxes for middle-income citizens.
I will continue to stand with Democrats in the House of Representatives to put people over politics by defending and expanding retirement security.
Finally, I hope that everyone who celebrates had a wonderful Easter holiday!

Gabe Amo
Member of Congress
Do you Support Raising the
Social Security Retirement Age?
Connecting Rhode Island & Washington
To help flood-stricken residents and communities that were damaged by major flooding our Congressional delegation pushed for a federal disaster declaration to provide relief. I applaud President Biden for listening to our calls.
FEMA recently announced that federal disaster assistance is available to our state for recovery efforts for individuals affected by severe storms and flooding on January 9-13 of this year in Kent, Providence, and Washington counties.
Federal funds are also available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures across our state.
Individuals and business owners in the designated areas seeking assistance can begin applying for support by registering online at www.DisasterAssistance.gov, by calling 1-800-621-3362 or by using the FEMA App.


For most taxpayers, the deadline to file their personal federal tax return, pay any tax owed or request an extension to file is Monday, April 15, 2024.Taxpayers also face a May 17th deadline to claim $1 billion in refunds for tax year 2020. Time is running out!
Taxpayers have three years to file and claim their tax refunds. If they don't file before the deadline, the money becomes the property of the U.S. Treasury.
Reminder: That funds may be held if you are seeking a 2020 refund and have not filed tax returns for 2021 and 2022. In addition, any refund amount for 2020 will be applied to amounts still owed to the IRS or a state tax agency and may be used to offset unpaid child support or other past due federal debts, such as student loans.
Find more details here
Need help with your taxes? Our office has compiled resources to help you with your taxes!
Click here for information in English.
Para obtener mas informacion sobre los impuestos, haga clic aqui.

Connecting with Rhode Islanders

A bright future is on the horizon for the Rhode Island State Health Labs & PVD Labs!
I celebrated the federal support for the new public-private partnership to build lab space, create good-paying jobs, and provide life sciences professionals with state-of-the-art technology as they serve our community.

Had an engaging, wide-ranging conversation at Laurelmead in Providence where I discussed with residents my commitment to protecting and expanding Social Security and my opening months in Congress.

I was honored to join Kelly and Kiffin Ward as they launch Ward Manufacturing in Warren. It is a testament to Rhode Island's history of hard work and ingenuity and how our federal government can support small businesses.
These two young people are turning their vision into reality with top-notch fiber laser cuts and metal parts. Congrats!

Great to spend time with students and teachers at Meeting Street School to discuss the importance of public service and our work in Congress!
It is a treasure in our community and a testament to making sure that all children of all abilities have a great education and a supportive community.

I was glad to visit the Andrea Ryder Transition Home with leaders from
the Department of Housing and Urban Development to see the valuable work of
Operation Stand Down Rhode Island
to help our female veterans in need.
Through providing shelter, strength, and stable ground, those who served our nation can receive the support they deserve.

Happy Greek Independence Day to all!
As a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, it is great to work with Rhode Island's vibrant Greek community on the 203rd anniversary of the Hellenic Republic's founding.
We value your contributions to our state's cultural diversity. I wish everyone a wonderful celebration!
Demanding Swift Student Aid Updates
Our delegation heard the loud concerns of many frustrated Rhode Island parents and students during the troubled rollout this year of the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. That is why we joined together to demand the Department of Education updates us on the implementation of the new FAFSA form that has been plagued by technical glitches and persistent processing delays.
In 2020, Congress passed the FAFSA Simplification Act to streamline the form that students and families complete each year to apply for federal financial aid. The law also made the financial aid formula more generous so students and families could qualify for additional aid and extended the maximum Federal Pell Grant to millions more students.
The issues in implementing the law have put low-income and first-generation students at risk of not enrolling in college this fall. I know that these are the students that the FAFSA changes were intended to help the most. Know that I hear these calls and will continue to push for results.
A PDF copy of the letter is available here.
The 2024-25 FAFSA form is now available. Submitted applications to colleges have already begun. Learn more about 2024-25 FAFSA updates.
If you need help with personal casework:
Contact the district office in Pawtucket:
1070 Main Street, Suite 300
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Phone: (401) 729-5600
Fax: (401) 729-5608

If you need help with legislative issues:
Contact the Washington, D.C. office:
2233 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4911
Fax: (202) 225-3290