
Take the Survey Now

Last Chance to Contribute to the Community Survey







We have to move forward with updating the Town’s Comprehensive Plan so the time to offer opinion must close.  The Town’s Comprehensive Plan community survey will be removed from the website on Monday, May 21st. The survey was first placed up onto the website on March 21st providing us with 2 months of data collection.   As a reminder, please know the existing 2006 comprehensive plan can be found on the Planning Department’s page of the town website along with the draft 2018 comprehensive plan. In addition to the website, until next Monday, hard copy surveys can be found at the Town library and within each of the Town Hall buildings.


Thomas J. Kravitz

Planning Dept.

Town of North Smithfield

PO Box 248

1 Main Street

North Smithfield, RI 02876


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Town of North Smithfield | One Main Street, P.O. Box 248, Slatersville, RI 02876